Friday, October 29, 2010

November Menu 2010

Fall Food Sampling

Our theme this week in preschool is Farms, Food & Harvest.  Yesterday the kids did a little food tasting with pomogranite seeds, pumkin seeds, bell pepper, tomato, spinach, dried cranberries, and brussel sprouts.  Some ate all of their samples and some didn't know what to think of the brussel sprouts and spinach.  All in all I think most students tried at least one new things.  Here are some pictures from our Fall Food Sampling. 

about to try a brussel sprout

not sure about this...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

November Newsletter

Dear Sunshine Families,

I have a lot of information to pass on to you today and tomorrow.  I'll try not to overload your inbox too much.  First up, the November Newsletter and Menu.  The school wide news and information is first followed by Lamb's Fold, Preschool and Kindergarten.  You can skip to the sections that apply to you.     



MESD Classroom Observations
I have been in contact with the Multnomah County Educational Service District this fall and became aware of several free services offered through their Early Childhood Program.  As a result, I have decided to have an early intervention Specialist come to Sunshine School and conduct informal classroom evaluations for our preschool and kindergarten classes.  If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language, motor skills, behavior, learning, or social skills and would like your child to receive a free formal evaluation please contact Jen in the office.  Many of the services available are free/low cost for families. Sunshine School conducts these informal observations every fall as a service to our families.  Below is an explanation of what this observation is and why I feel like it’s an important service to offer.  Hillary Hyde EI/ECSE Outreach Specialist will be at Sunshine School on Friday, November 5th. 

Classroom Observation Information from MESD

We know that identifying and offering developmental support to young children before they enter elementary school can be very helpful should they need it. Providing assistance early has been shown to:

    * Decrease the need for special education services
    * Decrease the chances of being held back in school
    * Increase the chances of completing high school and attending college
    * Increase scores on achievement tests
    * Decrease anti-social and delinquent behaviors

The most common area of delay and eligibility for young children is speech and language, but other areas where children are screened and evaluated for delays can include motor skills, behavior, socializing, learning, vision, hearing, and independence in daily activities and routines. 

This is not a formal screening, and we are glad that we can take advantage of this useful service. If she recommends a screening for your child, we will speak to you about her observation.

If you have any additional questions about EI/ECSE, you can find out more on their website or contact the EI/ECSE Outreach Specialist, Hillary Hyde at or 503-548-4400 x22.

Scholastic Book Club
Each month you will receive a Scholastic Book order forms.  This fall we have switched to online ordering for parents and it couldn’t be easier for you and for us. 

Here’s how it works:    
·        Create an account at  On the parent page, click the “Don’t have a User Name and Password” link, then register for your own username and password.  When prompted enter the one time class activation code: GKRPR (also found on the top left corner of your scholastic order form. 
·        Select the books you would like to order.
·        Submit your order online before the due date (also found on the top left corner of your order form).  Your credit card/debit card will be charged at the end of the month when I submit the order for the enter school.  Books will be delivered to the school and we will put your order in your child's cubby.   

Sunshine School receives a free book for every book that you order online.  This is one of the reasons we have switched to online ordering.  We are no longer accepting orders made here at school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jen or Myrna in the office. 

Thanksgiving Lunch
You are invited to join your child for a special Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, November 18th.  Wobblers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners can have 2 special guests come to lunch.  Preschool and kindergarten will perform a special song and Tammy makes a delicious meal.  We hope you can join us! 

Upcoming Events:
November 5th @6pm          Family Movie Night
November 7th                   Day Light Saving - Fall Back 1 hour
November 9th                   Blue Day
November 18th                  Thanksgiving Family Lunch @ 11:30
November 25-26th              Sunshine School Closed for Thanksgiving


Happy Birthday!
Joshua Halvorson (1 year old) on November 2nd 
 Jackson Whittaker (2 years old) on November 9th. 

Potty Training
The Wobbler Room is continuing to work on potty training each day.  We have some students in the infant room waiting to move up to the Wobbler Room once the older Wobblers are potty trained.  If your child is currently potty training, we ask that you help us by being very consistant with potty training at home.  Once a child is potty trained and 2 1/2 years old, they can move up to the preschool program.  There is also a significant price difference in tuition for preschool,  hopefully this will be an incentive for some.  Thank you for your help. 

Healthy School Policy
We are also entering cold and flu season, so please remember that if your child displays any of the following symptoms, please keep them home: 
fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, severe cough or cold, or any illness, infection, or injury that may be passed to others or cause your child difficult at school 

Upon returning to school each student needs to be symptom free of vomiting and diarrhea for at least 24 hours.  We are required to send a child home with a fever of 100° or higher.  Thank you for your understanding. 


Weekly Themes and Bible Verses:

November 1-5             Nutrition & Grocery Store       Memory Review
November 8-12            Restaurant & Cooking             2 Thessalonians 5:16-18
November 15-19          Thanksgiving                         2 Thessalonians 5:16-18
November 22-24          Thanksgiving                         Joshua 1:9
November 29-Dec 3     Library                                 Joshua 1:9   

Cooler Weather and Healthy School Reminder

A fall starts to turn into Winter, please remember to send your child to school with jackets, gloves and hats as needed.  We try and go outside as often as possible provided it’s not too wet outside.  We do have extra coats and sweatshirts here at school on  

We are also entering cold and flu season, so please remember that if your child displays any of the following symptoms, please keep them home: 
fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, severe cough or cold, or any illness, infection, or injury that may be passed to others or cause your child difficult at school 

Upon returning to school they need to be symptom free of vomiting and diarrhea for at least 24 hours.  We are required to send a child home with a fever of 100° or higher.  Thank you for your understanding. 


Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up the first part of November.  A reminder flyer was put in your child's cubby confirming the date and time of your conference.  Please see Mrs. Gibbs is you have any questions. 

Upcoming Events
November 5th @6pm     Family Movie Night
November 7th              Day Light Saving - Fall Back 1 hour
November 9th              Blue Day
November 10th            Papa's Pizza Field trip
November 11th            Veterns Day - Non-Academic Day for Kindergarten
November 18th            Thanksgiving Lunch @ 11:30am
November 22-24           Non-Academic Day for Kindergarten
November 25-26           Sunshine School is Closed for Thanksgiving

Family Movie Night - Friday, November 5th

We would like to invite you to the first of two family movie nights on Friday, November 5th.  Join us for dinner at 6pm and the movie will start around 7pm.  Our theater for the evening will be the church sanctuary.  The chairs will be cleared out of the sanctuary leaving plenty of room for kids to spread out with blankets and pillows. 

The Disney Classic Musical "Mary Poppins" will be our feature film for the evening and feel free to sing-a-long as you watch.  Parents do need to stay with their children throughout dinner and the movie.  Feel free to invite friends and family to the movie.    

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Orange Day is Friday, October 22nd. 
We will have an fun day of Orange art, Orange food,
and Orange clothes.  (Go Beavers!)
 Fall Fun Day is Wednesday (10/20)

Our fall themed party will be loaded with games, crafts, and activities.  Students will be making their own healthy snack of apple "cupcakes." These cupcakes are made from an apple and decorated to look like a cupcake.  Thank you to those who provided stickers and sprinkles for our fun day.  Thank you also to those who are volunteering to help during our party.  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

School Pictures

Mrs. Sarah's 1st grade picture.

 School pictures are this week on Monday and Tuesday. 
In a couple of weeks you can preview your student's pictures and decide which packet to buy. 

Monday, October 4, 2010