Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Concept Room

The tree is almost completed and I love it!  All four seasons are displayed on the tree. 
Come in and take a look next time you are here. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Concept Room

I'm so excited about this new project we have started in the Concept Room. 
Stefania Hardy, a Sunshine Mom and very talented artist, is painting this mural in the concept room. 
We will be painting the entire room with this tree as the focal point.  I'll post pictures as the project progresses, but if you have time take a look when you pick up or drop off tomorrow. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looking for some fun christmas activites for kids.  Check out Krayon Kids, a local children's
theater company.  Krayon Kids is putting on a Christmas program which includes a
show, crafts, treats, and pictures with Santa.  They are having a sale on tickets
today only for $10.  Visit www.krayonkids.org for more information or to buy tickets. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Menu 2010-2011

Winter Menu 2010 - December

Delphina's Bakery

I am pleased to annouce that Sunshine School is now having
bread delivered fresh each week from Delphina's Bakery. 
Our first delivery is Monday, December 13th. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

December Newsletter

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Please take note of our holiday schedule:
      Christmas Program: Sunday, December 12th @ 6pm
      Non-academic weeks for Kindergarten:  December 20th-30th
      Christmas Eve (12/24): closed
      New Year's Eve (12/31): closed  

For staffing purposes, please indicate days your child will be at school during the holidays.  Class lists are posted in the hallway (preschool only) or in your child's classroom for you to indicate which days you child will be at school.  If you would like to apply vacation credit to your account, please contact the office. 

Sunshine School Christmas Program
Sunday, December 12th at 6pm
This is a very sweet program featuring the preschool and kindergarten students at Sunshine School.  All families are welcome to attend.  Please invite friends and family as well! 

Preschoolers should be in their classroom by 5:45pm 
Kindergarterners should be in their class by 5:30pm.   

This is a reminder to make sure your child’s immunization record is up to date.  Every January the school has to report all immunizations to Multnomah County for children 18 months and older.  Your child has most likely received new shots over the past year and if you haven’t turned in an updated copy of their immunization record please do so by December 15th


December Themes:

November 29-December 3: Library
December 7-10:  Post Office
December 13-17:  Christmas
December 20-23: Christmas
December 27-30: The Gingerbread Man

Memory Verses:
November 29-December 3: Joshua 1:9
December 7-10:  Isaiah 9:6
December 13-17:  Isaiah 9:6
December 20-23: Birth of Jesus, Isaiah 9:6
December 27-30: Birth of Jesus & Review

Lamb's Fold

Happy 2nd Birthday! 
Tyla Ramirez - 12/12
Zechariah Gibbs - 12/18

Potty Training
Most of the Wobblers are working on potty training and we hope to move two of them up to preschool as soon as possible.  In order for potty training to be the most effective it needs to happen at school and at home.  It’s my desire that we have an open dialog between parents and teachers as we work on this together with each child.   Thank you for your help! 

This is a reminder to make sure your child’s immunization record is up to date.  Every January the school has to report all immunizations to Multnomah County for children 18 months and older.  Your child has most likely received new shots over the past year and if you haven’t turned in an updated copy of their immunization record please do so by
December 15th. 

Nut- Free School
Just a reminder that Sunshine School is a nut-free (especially peanuts) school.  Please take a look at any snacks or meals you send with your child and make sure it doesn't contain nuts.