Monday, June 27, 2011

July Newsletter: All School

Happy 4th of July!

Sunshine School is closed on Monday, July 4th in honor of Independence Day.
Enjoy the holiday with your family, and we’ll see you on Tuesday, July 5th. 


During the summer, we spend as much time outside as possible. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen, please bring  a signed medical consent form and a bottle of sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked.

 Summer Vacation Plans?

Please be sure to alert your child’s teacher if you have any summer
vacation plans! It’s helpful to know in advance if your child will be absent.

July Newsletter: Infants and Wobblers

News from the Lamb's Fold
All of our kids are growing up so fast! In the Infant Room, Evie is walking, and Sam is almost crawling!

And in the Wobbler Room, potty training marches on. Both Nate and Jackson have graduated into underwear, and Sydney is using the toilet like a pro.
 Congratulations on your progress, big kids!

We also have some fun new toys for our Wobbler kids. We've added a new sandbox to our outdoor play area in the courtyard, and a new sensory table inside. The sensory table is filled with rice, and the kids enjoy digging in it for bugs (plastic ones, of course!). These toys offer a great opportunity for little fingers to keep busy!

Summer Staffing Notes...
Mrs. Myrna is now working full time in the Lamb's Fold, both in the Infant Room and the Wobbler Room.
Welcome, Mrs. Myrna!

Mrs. Yvonne has moved into the Wobbler Room for the majority of her day, but she still oversees both Lamb's Fold classes.

Many of our staff are taking vacations this summer. As our staff are out, Ms. Marissa and Ms. Bailey will be filling in in our classrooms.

Happy Birthday!
Etta is turning 2 on July 1st! Happy Birthday, Etta!
Also, Ms. Grace's birthday is on July 25th. Happy Birthday, Ms. Grace!

New Students...
Welcome, Eli and Tate, to the Infant Room!

Moving on Up... 
Welcome Etta and Chloe F. to the Wobbler Room!

July Newsletter: Preschool

Preschool News

Water Fun in the Sun!

During the summer, the preschool classes will have occasional water fun days as the weather allows. To facilitate this, we ask that you bring a few extra things to keep at school:  

· an extra swimsuit
· water shoes (water socks or sandals, but no flip-flops please)
· a towel

If you don’t have an extra swimsuit, a pair of shorts and t-shirt that can get wet and messy will work just fine.

Upcoming Preschool Events... 
[July 1]
Picnic on the Playground
Wear your Red, White, and Blue!

[July 7]
Bike Fun in the Parking Lot
Bring your helmet and a bike, scooter, or other form of wheels!

[July 14]
Rodeo Fun Day

[July 20]
Hike to Mt. Tabor Park
Wear good walking shoes!

Weekly Themes:
July 5-8: Summer Fun! Bikes, Bubbles, and More
July 11-15: Down on the Farm/ Ride 'em Cowboy!
July 18-22: Rainforest
July 25-29: Fossil Dig and Dinosaurs

Bible Themes:
July 5-8: God Keeps his Promises
July 11-15: God is Holy and Perfect
July 18-22: God Loves and Forgives Me
July 25-29: God Provides

Friday, June 3, 2011

Plant Sale

Thank you for your help in our very successful plants sale.  We were able to raise close to $2,000 from the sale for Sunshine School.  We have a few items left over and available for you to take home today.  The remaining plants are in the courtyard.  Feel free to take plants and make a donation of any amount to Sunshine School.  So, it's name your own price as we try and get rid of our remaining inventory.  Thanks again for your help in this successful fundraiser. 

Graduation and Teacher Planning Days