Wednesday, September 26, 2012

October Newsletter

School Photos

Meghann Street at Your Street Photography is coming to take School Photos on Monday, 10/15 through Wednesday, 10/17. She will be taking a class photo of each preschool class and of the wobbler class, and she will be taking individual and/ or sibling photos of students who bring their order form and payment at the time photos are taken. There is a set schedule for each class, so for more information, please refer to the handout that will be available in your child’s cubby.

Harvest Party
Wednesday 10/31, 6-8 pm

Sunshine Families are invited to attend the Kid’s Klub Harvest Party! Come dressed in your best (non-scary) costume, and enjoy Halloween games, activities, and treats at a safe, indoor event! Dinner is available at 6 pm ($2 for adults, $1 for kids), and activities begin at 6:30 pm.

Staff Changes

We have 3 new part-time staff members. Michelle is our new Afternoon Assistant in the Lamb’s Fold, Katie is the new Afternoon Assistant a few days per week in the Preschool, and JJ is our new Afternoon Assistant in the Afterschool Program. Welcome, Michelle, Katie, and JJ!

Monday Morning Coffee!

Starting on October 8th, the Taborview Coffee espresso bar, located in the northeast corner of the building, will be open to Sunshine School parents, 7am - 10 am every Monday morning! All espresso drinks are $2 suggested donation. You are welcome to stay and visit or enjoy a book, and there will be toys available to younger children; or you can just pick up a coffee drink on your way to work!

Upcoming Preschool Themes and Events:

October 1-5
Theme: Music & Instruments
Color & Shape: Yellow & Square
Letter & Number: D & 3
Fruit or Vegetable: Apples
Bible: Abraham
Memory Verse: Romans 4:21-22
Special Events: Yellow Day on Thursday 10/4

October 8-12
Theme: Dance & Physical Fitness
Color & Shape: Red + Yellow = Orange; Square
Letter & Number: A-D Review & 4
Fruit or Vegetable: Apples
Bible: Isaac
Memory Verse: Romans 4:21-22

October 15-19
Theme: Health & Hygiene
Color & Shape: Orange & Rectangle
Letter & Number: E & 5
Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkins
Bible: Joseph
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:32
Special Events: School Pictures on Monday 10/15 – Wednesday 10/17

October 22-26
Theme: Farms, Food, & Harvest
Color & Shape: Orange & Rectangle
Letter & Number: F & 0-5 Review
Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkins
Bible: Sharing
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:32
Special Events:          Fruit & Veggie Tasting on Wednesday 10/24
                                Orange Day on Friday 10/26

October 29 – November 2
Theme: Fall Fun
Color & Shape: Color Review & Rectangle
Letter & Number: G & 6
Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkins
Bible: Moses
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:32
Special Events:          Fall Fun Day on Tuesday 10/30
                                Harvest Party on Wednesday 10/31 at 6:00 pm

Friday, September 14, 2012


In preschool, we are wrapping up our 2 week focus on tomatoes! As a new component of our curriculum this year, the preschool classes will focus on a new fruit or vegetable every few weeks. For tomatoes, the kids have created tomato art, read tomato books, played games with a tomato theme, sung songs about tomatoes, watched tomatoes grow in our playground garden, and had a chance to taste tomatoes. Today, the preschoolers all had a chance to taste a tomato salsa with corn chips. Starting next week, the preschool classes will start a 2-week focus on beets!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Open House 2012

Thank you to everyone who came to our Back to School Open House and BBQ last night! It was a great time to meet new people and connect with families!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 2012 Newsletter

Back to School BBQ & Open House
Tuesday, September 11 at 6:00 pm

All Sunshine School families are invited to join us for a BBQ dinner and a chance to meet our staff and tour our school! BBQ dinner will be served 6-7 pm, and the school will be open to families until 8 pm. If it is raining, we will be unable to serve dinner due to lack of space to prepare or eat the food. However, the Open House will continue as scheduled, despite the weather, and we will still serve dessert!

South Tabor Neighborhood Association Harvest Festival
Sunday, September 16

The South Tabor Neighborhood Association is hosting a Harvest Festival on the field behind Sunshine School. There will be food, music, kids crafts, a garden produce exchange, and lots of other fun events!

Menu Change Reminder

The Sunshine School kitchen is currently undergoing a major remodeling project, and this means that all Sunshine School families will need to provide their children’s lunches from the first day of the new school year until December 31.

A few things to remember:
       Sunshine School is a nut-free school! No nuts, please, including peanut butter.
       If you are sending a peanut butter alternative (such as sunflower butter), please leave a note in your child’s lunch so that the staff are aware. If we suspect that your child’s lunch contains nuts, we will put that food aside and call home to confirm. 
       Your child’s lunch should be ready to eat (no heating, dishes, or silverware required).
       Please only bring enough food for one day’s lunch. We cannot store food for children overnight. Lunchboxes will go home daily.
       Be sure that your child’s lunch box is clearly labeled with your child’s name.
       If your child’s lunchbox also contains an alternate snack for the morning or afternoon, please let your child’s teacher know.

Staff Changes

We have had several staff members move into new positions this month. Miss Alyssa has moved from working with Preschool to being our Afterschool Program Coordinator. Miss Amanda has filled Miss Alyssa’s position as Preschool Teacher, and Mrs. Talissyn has left the Wobbler program to become the Preschool Floater. In the Wobbler Room, Miss Kara, our former Lamb’s Fold Afternoon Assistant, now works exclusively in the Wobbler Room with Mrs. Yvonne.

If you see a staff member that you do not recognize, please introduce yourself! Also, please be patient with our staff members as they learn to recognize the names and faces of parents. Be sure you have photo ID available when you pick up your child in case some one who opens the door does not recognize you. Thank you for your understanding!

Upcoming Preschool Themes and Events:

September 3-7
Theme: Welcome to School & School Rules
Color & Shape: Red & Circle
Fruit or Vegetable: Tomatoes
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1

September 10-14
Theme: God Made Me
Color & Shape: Red & Circle
Letter & Number: A & 0 (zero)
Fruit or Vegetable: Tomatoes
Bible: Creation
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1
Special Events:   Back to School BBQ & Open House on Tuesday 9/11, 6-8 pm
                         Librarian visits Preschool on Friday 9/14
                         STNA Harvest Festival on Sunday 9/16

September 17-21
Theme: 5 Senses (Sight, Touch, & Hearing)
Color & Shape: Red & Circle
Letter & Number: B & 1
Fruit or Vegetable: Beets
Bible: Noah & the Ark
Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1
Special Events: Red Day on Wednesday 9/19

September 24-28
Theme: 5 Senses (Small & Taste)
Color & Shape: Yellow & Square
Letter & Number: D & 3
Fruit or Vegetable: Beets
Bible: Obedience
Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:1