Sunday, February 9, 2014

School Closure 2-10-2014

Due to the continuing winter weather conditions, Sunshine School and Sprout will be closed on Monday, February 10th. We apologize for the continuing inconvenience, but for safety, it is our policy to follow Portland Public School District's closure decisions in cases of inclement weather. We will plan to resume school on Tuesday, February 11th unless PPS announces otherwise.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

School Closure 2-7-2014

Due to winter weather conditions, Sunshine School and Sprout will be closed on Friday, February 7th in accordance with Portland Public School District's decision to close school. We will plan to re-open on Monday morning as scheduled.

Have a safe weekend, and stay warm! 

Early Closure 2-6-2014

Portland Public School District has called for an early release today due to a winter storm warning. Sunshine School's policy is to follow Portland Public School District's decisions in the case of inclement weather. As a result, Sunshine School is closing today at 1:00 pm to ensure that all staff and students arrive home safely. There will be no afternoon Sprout today.

If your child is currently at Sunshine School, please come pick up your child as soon as possible. Currently, parents are being individually contacted by phone regarding the early release. 

If you do not arrive by 1:00 pm, we will of course keep your child warm, safe, and well attended. However, we are closing at 1:00, so please pick up your child as promptly as possible so that our staff can get home safely before weather conditions worsen.

We apologize for this inconvenience, but we believe that it is the decision that is safest for staff and students and that most directly follows our school policies in these situations. 

For tomorrow, please keep an eye on Portland Public School District's decision regarding inclement weather and school closure. If Portland Public Schools are closed, Sunshine School will be closed. If Portland Public Schools call for a two hour delay, Sunshine School will open at 9:00 am.