Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Backpack Program

This week you received a flyer about the Backpack Program that Sunshine School and Trinity Fellowship are starting to collect food for.  This program is run in several elementary schools in the Portland area.  One thing that I really like about this program  is the school counselors at those schools select the food given to each child based on the child's individual needs.  For example, the counselor knows whether or not the home has a microwave or a can opener and sends home the appropriate food items for each child.  If you are interested in contributing to this program, please keep in mind what an elementary student could prepare for themselves or siblings at home with little assistance from an adult.  Canned goods are welcomed and ones that can be easily opened are best.  Below is a more complete list of the items this program is looking for.  If you have any questions please contact Jen. 
• Nuts
• Pudding Cups
• Jelly/jam
• Cup of noodles
• Fruit cups
• SpaghettiOs
• Fruit snacks (low/no sugar)
• Boxes of 100% fruit juice
• Protein/granola bars
• Tuna fish, canned
• Chicken, canned
• Pop Tarts (unfrosted)
• Crackers
• Dried fruit, raisins
• Shelf-stable milk or soy milk
• Cereal, non-sugar
• Cans of soup, stew, and chili
• Snack Packs' cheese & crackers
• Trail mix

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