Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, February 4th is Pink Day.  Wear pink clothes and enjoy pink art,
pink stories, and maybe even some pink food.  
Winter Menu 2010.2011 - February

Child Care Resource and Referral Tax Information

Child Care Resource and Referral is an organization in Portland that works with Child Care providers and parents to increase the quality of child care offered in the State of Oregon.  I got an email from them this morning with some information about tax credits for working parents.  So I wanted to pass the information a long to you. 

The Oregon Child Care Resource & Referral Network
 Is Spreading the Word So That Eligible Families Don't
Miss Out On Tax Credits  
The Oregon Child Care Resource & Referral Network is working with the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) to launch a tax credit outreach campaign to ensure that more low and moderate income families are aware of and claim available federal and state income tax credits.

Eligible families could receive thousands of dollars from federal and state tax credits this year. Families are facing incredible economic pressures and can't afford to leave this money on the table.

Federal and state tax credits can help offset the cost of child care and other expenses for working families. 

You Earned It!

As much as $5,666 or more could be waiting for you. File a tax return to claim the Earned Income Credit and many more tax credits.
If you worked in 2010, had children living with you and earned less than about $45,000 or did not have children living with you and earned less than about $13,000. You could qualify!

For more information about the Earned Income Tax credit, other federal and state child tax credits, you will find tax credit fliers in English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian and Spanish at Please scroll down to the end of the tax credit article on our website for this information along with links to websites that will tell you where to receive free help when preparing your taxes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading

Trinity Fellowship runs an Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading league each spring and I wanted to pass along some information to those who might be interested.  Boys and girls ages 5- 6th grade can participate in flag football and ages 4-6th grade can participate in Cheerleading.  Registration information is available here at the school and in the Trinity Fellowship Office (503-231-0981).  Early registration ($69) ends on January 29th.  The cost after January 29 will be $75.  The registration deadline is February 5th.  Everyone must attend one of two evaluations so that players can be placed on appropriate teams.  The two evaluation dates are Saturday, January 29th and Saturday, February 5th from 9-11am.  Practices begin on Saturday March 19th and the first game is Saturday, April 2nd.  All practices are scheduled one hour prior to games on Saturday.  Games run for eight weeks from April 2nd-May 21.  

For more information about Upward Sports visit or call Adam Oakley at 503-231-0981   

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Portland Fire and Rescue

Today, we had a visit from the fire department.  5 firefirghters from a nearby station came and talked with Sunshine students about fire safety and students got the opportunity to look at a fire engine up close.  They encouraged student to go home and ask their parents what they should do if the smoke detector goes off in their house.  So just as a heads up and a reminder that your child may ask you those questions this evening.  They also stressed the importance of children knowing their first and last name, address and parents names.  We work on these things with the older preschool classes.  Ask your child about the visit from the fire deparetment today. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flu virus

It appears that we have a virus working it's way around the school.  Several students have been sick with low fevers and coughs.  The fever seems to just last about 24 hours, but the cough has been lingering.  If if your child has a fever of over 100 degrees please keep them home.  They need to be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.  I don't want to alarm you and it doesn't seem to severe or last very long.  Just thought I would pass the information along to you.   

January Newsletter

Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to a great 2011! 
Thank you for continuing to allow us to care for your children. 
We feel truly blessed to be a part of their lives. 

Upcoming Events:

January 4 - White Day

January 17 -  MLK Jr., Day—OPEN

January 26 - Pajama Day
February 4 - Pink Day

February 14 - Valentine’s Fun Day

February 25 - Family Movie Night

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement or dangerous weather, Sunshine School will follow Portland Public School closures.  If PPS is on a two delay or closes, we will do the same.  There will also be a detailed message on the school voice mail at (503) 775-1533.  If I am able to get to the school, I will send an email to all families as well.    

Lamb's Fold in January

Happy 1st Birthday!
Raen Knight - 1/9

Welcome New Infants:
Sam Lydem
Ivy Hathaway (February)

Making their Wobbler Debut:
Deacon Dawson
Ella Brown
Penelope Stevens

Preschool and Kindergarten in January

Weekly Themes and Bible Verse

January 3-7        Bob the Builder and Construction
January 10-14    Forms of Transportation
January 17-21    911: Police and Fire
January 24-28    Travel the World

We will be working on Psalms 23:1-4 throughout the entire month.  Ask your child if they now the memory verse. 

Psalms 23:1-4
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,  they comfort me.


January 3-7
Handwriting: Write words with short U, write sentences, write numerals, write a note.
Language Arts:  Review short vowels, words with short vowels. Introduce V, W and Y.
Math:  Counting by 10’s, dimes, addition, “after” numbers.
Bible:  “Simeon and Anna”
Memory verse:   Hebrews 13: 6

January 10-14
Handwriting:  Write Jj, Rr, & Hh, make a booklet.
Language Arts:  Review Yy, Ww, Vv, introduce X and Z.
Math:  Addition,“after” numbers, counting by 10’s, telling time on the hour, Ninety Family.
Bible:  “Jesus and the Children”
Memory Verse:  Romans 10:9

January 17-21
Handwriting:  write numerals 0-5, Write Oo, short O, Vv.
Language Arts:  Review Z, X, Y, V, short E. Review all short vowels.
Math:  Ordinals, 6th-10th, write 11-49, addition, counting by 10’s, telling time on the hour.
Bible:  “The Parable of the Lost Sheep”
Memory Verse:  Luke 15:10

January 24-28
Handwriting:  Write Vv in the final position, write Ww, Yy, write sentences.
Language Arts:  Introduce long vowels, long vowels in open syllables, Enjoy a story, Introduce sh, contrast S and Sh.
Math:  Number words, counting by 10’s, counting dimes, addition, time to the hour.
Bible:   “Zacchaeus Meets Jesus”
Memory Verse:  Luke 19:10

Monday, January 3, 2011

White Day - Tuesday, January 4th

Everything is WHITE on Tuesday, January 4th. 
Come dressed in WHITE and enjoy some
WHITE art and WHITE food