Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preschool and Kindergarten in January

Weekly Themes and Bible Verse

January 3-7        Bob the Builder and Construction
January 10-14    Forms of Transportation
January 17-21    911: Police and Fire
January 24-28    Travel the World

We will be working on Psalms 23:1-4 throughout the entire month.  Ask your child if they now the memory verse. 

Psalms 23:1-4
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,  they comfort me.


January 3-7
Handwriting: Write words with short U, write sentences, write numerals, write a note.
Language Arts:  Review short vowels, words with short vowels. Introduce V, W and Y.
Math:  Counting by 10’s, dimes, addition, “after” numbers.
Bible:  “Simeon and Anna”
Memory verse:   Hebrews 13: 6

January 10-14
Handwriting:  Write Jj, Rr, & Hh, make a booklet.
Language Arts:  Review Yy, Ww, Vv, introduce X and Z.
Math:  Addition,“after” numbers, counting by 10’s, telling time on the hour, Ninety Family.
Bible:  “Jesus and the Children”
Memory Verse:  Romans 10:9

January 17-21
Handwriting:  write numerals 0-5, Write Oo, short O, Vv.
Language Arts:  Review Z, X, Y, V, short E. Review all short vowels.
Math:  Ordinals, 6th-10th, write 11-49, addition, counting by 10’s, telling time on the hour.
Bible:  “The Parable of the Lost Sheep”
Memory Verse:  Luke 15:10

January 24-28
Handwriting:  Write Vv in the final position, write Ww, Yy, write sentences.
Language Arts:  Introduce long vowels, long vowels in open syllables, Enjoy a story, Introduce sh, contrast S and Sh.
Math:  Number words, counting by 10’s, counting dimes, addition, time to the hour.
Bible:   “Zacchaeus Meets Jesus”
Memory Verse:  Luke 19:10

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