Monday, March 21, 2011

OMSI Traveling Classroom

Sunshine School was selected to receive a grant from OMSI for two of their traveling classroom programs.  This Thursday (3/24), this program is coming to Sunshine School.  Mrs. Jaime, Miss Traci and Miss Alyssa's classes will participate in "Science and the Early Artist."  This is a very messy class, so please send your child to school in clothes that can get dirty.  Mrs. Sarah's class is a little too young for the events planned, but they will be busy playing in another area of the school. The preschool class will be from 10am-11am.  If Thursday isn't a scheduled day for you to attend, you are welcome to bring your child provided you stay with them during the class.  

Mrs. Gibbs and the kindergarten/elementary students will participate in a class called "Cowabunga Chemistry."  This class may be messy as well, so plan accordingly.  The kindergarten and elementary class is from 12pm-1pm and all are invited to that as well. 

New Hallway Mural

If you've walked the hallway at all in the last couple of days, you may have noticed they look a little bare.  We are getting ready to put up some new paint and a new mural in the coming weeks.  The walls will be painted later on this week and weekend.  After that is complete the mural will start.  Again, the very talented Stefania Hardy will be painting the mural.  We are very excited to make use of her talents.  Stefanie painted the shed on the playground and the tree mural in the Concept Room.  Here is a sketch of what the hallway will look like when completed.  The picture isn't great, but you'll get the idea.  The alphabet is going to wrap it's way around the hallway with a corresponding picture by each letter. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Clarification re: Kindergarten

Some have indicated that the information regarding Kindergarten at Sunshine School wasn't clear, so I wanted to provide some clarification.  This current school year (2010-2011) will be the last year of Kindergarten at Sunshine School.  We won't be offering it for the 2011-2012 school year.  We will be adding a 5th preschool class which will be a pre-kindergarten class for those students who miss the September 1st cut off for kindergarten due to fall birthdays.  This class will continue to be a preschool class but will focus on reading skills.  Please see Jen or email/call if you have any questions. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Save the Date
Plant Sale - April 29th & 30th
Just in time for spring/summer gardens and Mother’s Day Gifts, Sunshine School is holding a plant sale fundraiser April 29th-30th.  Available plants include a variety of bedding plants, garden vegetables and herbs, hanging baskets, and planters.  Friday, April 29th will be open exclusively to Sunshine Families and then open to the public on Saturday, April 30th.  Please mark your calendars and tell family and friends. 

March Newsletter: Lambs Fold

Fall Registration

This week you have received registration paperwork for the 2011-2012 school year.  I went through each student in the Lamb’s Fold program with Yvonne and made our best guess as to where we believe each child be will developmentally by September.  This includes potty training for some of our wobblers to move up to Preschool as well as the age of some of the infants needing to move up to the Wobbler Room.  We have some flexibility in this program and can move children up throughout the year as there is room available and they show the signs of being ready for the next classroom.

For wobblers who are currently working on potty training, we are hopeful that they will be ready to enter preschool in the fall.  If that isn’t the case for some children, they will remain in the wobbler room and will move up later in the fall.  In order to enter preschool, students must be at least 2 1/2 years old and fully potty trained. 

If you have any questions regarding Fall Registration, please contact Jen.    

March Newsletter: Preschool and Kindergarten

Summer and Fall Registration

We are assuming that all current infant, wobbler, and preschool students will be with us throughout the summer unless we hear differently from you.  If your summer plans have changed please let Jen know.

Fall Registration forms are in your child’s box.  Families that are currently enrolled have first priority for fall enrollment.  Please return the enrollment form to the office by April 15th.  We will open up all remaining spots in Lamb’s Fold and Preschool to new families on April 18th.

Also, I have made the decision that this will be the last year of Kindergarten at Sunshine School.  This was a difficult decision to make because Kindergarten has been a part of Sunshine School for many years.  Sunshine School isn’t able to continue to sustain the program due to low enrollment over the last few years. 

We will continue to over Before and After School care for students from Atkinson and Bridger Elementary and will be focusing on increasing enrollment in that program this next year.  Please help us spread the word to friends and family who might need after school care.  Students from Bridger are dropped off at the bus stop in front of Sunshine School and met each day by a Sunshine School staff member.  Students from Atkinson are picked up each afternoon by Sunshine School.

Grandparents  Day
Don’t forget to invite Grandma and Grandpa or a special friend for Grandparents Day!  Each child is welcome to bring one-two guests on Tuesday, March 15th from 8:45-11:00am.  Please see Miss. Jen or Mrs. Jaime if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 15th - Grandparent's Day (8:45-11am)

March 22nd-26th - Oregon Schools Spring Break (Non-Academic Days)

Thursday, March 24th - OMSI Traveling Classroom 
    Cowabunga Chemistry - Elementary Age
     Science and the Little Artist - Preschool (Mrs. Jaime, Miss Traci, and Miss Alyssa's classes) 

Weekly Themes
February 28-March 4          Teddy Bears
March 7-11                        Earth and God's Creation
March 14-18                      Recycling
March 21-25                      Dr. Seuss
March 28-April 1                Clifford the Big Red Dog