Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Newsletter: Lambs Fold

Fall Registration

This week you have received registration paperwork for the 2011-2012 school year.  I went through each student in the Lamb’s Fold program with Yvonne and made our best guess as to where we believe each child be will developmentally by September.  This includes potty training for some of our wobblers to move up to Preschool as well as the age of some of the infants needing to move up to the Wobbler Room.  We have some flexibility in this program and can move children up throughout the year as there is room available and they show the signs of being ready for the next classroom.

For wobblers who are currently working on potty training, we are hopeful that they will be ready to enter preschool in the fall.  If that isn’t the case for some children, they will remain in the wobbler room and will move up later in the fall.  In order to enter preschool, students must be at least 2 1/2 years old and fully potty trained. 

If you have any questions regarding Fall Registration, please contact Jen.    

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