Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunshine School Newsletter

Sunshine School is Closed
August 29- September 5.

The 2011-2012 School Year will begin on
Tuesday, Sepbember 6th.

Are you enrolled for Fall?
If you have not filled out a registration form for Fall, or if your Fall schedule plans have changed, stop by the office and let us know! We're already planning our fall classes, and we want to be sure to include your family!

Back to School BBQ & Open House
Tuesday, Septembet 13th, 6:00 pm

For families who will be here this Fall, mark your calendars for our Back to School BBQ & Open House! Come by to enjoy some dinner, visit with your child's teacher, meet other families, and have a look around the school!

Infant and Wobbler Newsletter

News from the Lamb's Fold

In the Infant Room, Sam and Ivy have started crawling! Way to go!

In the Wobbler Room, the kids have been getting outside as much as the weather allows. On sunny days, they've been having fun in the water, and they've even been taking nature walks outside.

For the summer, the Wobblers have been learning about sun safety. They have also been talking a lot about where things come from. They've learned that apples come from trees, yogurt comes from cows, and much more.


Please be sure that you are bringing a blanket for your child to sleep with, and be sure to bring it home at the end of each week to wash. This helps us make nap time a cozy and clean time for your kids.

Happy Birthday!

Chloe Fabrick is turning 2 on August 13th. Happy Birthday, Chloe!

New Infants

We have two newcomers to the Infant Room. Welcome, JJ and Alex!

Preschool Newsletter

Upcoming Events

August 5: Water Play Extravaganza!
Bring a swimsuit, towel, and shoes appropriate for water play!

August 9: Hike to Mt. Tabor Park
Be sure to wear good walking shoes and arrive at school by 10:00 am.

August 17: 1st Annual Preschool Olympics!
Wear your athletic apparel and come ready to play! This is not a competitive event, but rather just a great time to be active and cheer each other on!

August Themes and Bible Lessons

August 1-5:
Theme: Ocean Life & Beach
Bible Lesson: God is with Me and Protects Me

August 8-12:
Theme: Camping & Hiking
Bible Lesson: God Answers Prayers

August 15-19
Theme: Sports
Bible Lesson: God is Powerful

August 22-26
Theme: Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!
Bible Lesson: God Strengthens

Summer Menu 2011 - August

Summer Menu 2011 - August

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Preschool Hike Rescheduled!

Due to rain, our Preschool Hike to Mt. Tabor Park has been rescheduled for
Friday, July 22nd.
Make sure your child arrives at school by 10:00 and wears good walking shoes! If your child does not normally attend on Fridays, he or she is welcome to join if accompanied by a parent. Please let your child's teacher know if you plan to come along!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Menu 2011 - July

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bike Fun Day

Bike Fun Day!
Thursday, July 7th

All preschoolers and Camp Sprout kids, don't forget to bring your wheels on Thursday! Scooters, bikes, tricycles, or anything else with wheels will do.

And don't forget a helmet!