Friday, July 22, 2011

Infant and Wobbler Newsletter

News from the Lamb's Fold

In the Infant Room, Sam and Ivy have started crawling! Way to go!

In the Wobbler Room, the kids have been getting outside as much as the weather allows. On sunny days, they've been having fun in the water, and they've even been taking nature walks outside.

For the summer, the Wobblers have been learning about sun safety. They have also been talking a lot about where things come from. They've learned that apples come from trees, yogurt comes from cows, and much more.


Please be sure that you are bringing a blanket for your child to sleep with, and be sure to bring it home at the end of each week to wash. This helps us make nap time a cozy and clean time for your kids.

Happy Birthday!

Chloe Fabrick is turning 2 on August 13th. Happy Birthday, Chloe!

New Infants

We have two newcomers to the Infant Room. Welcome, JJ and Alex!

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