Monday, October 31, 2011

November Newsletter- Preschool

Cold Weather is Approaching!
Please remember that we play outside as much as the weather allows. Even on cold days, we will play on the playground. Make sure your child brings a coat and weather-appropriate shoes to school.

Also, as the weather cools, you can check your child's extra clothing supply to be sure that it still fits your child and is seasonally appropriate.

Upcoming Events
November 4: Family Movie Night, 7:00
November 8: Blue Day
November 17: All School Thanksgiving Lunch, 11:00
November 24-25: School Closed for Thanksgiving
November 29: Librarian Visit
November 30: Green Day

October 31 - November 4
Theme: Nutrition and Grocery Store
Bible: Moses, Ephesians 4:32

November 7 - 11
Theme: Restaurant and Cooking
Bible: Moses, Ephesians 4:32

November 14 - 18
Theme: Thanksgiving
Bible: Thankfulness, Joshua 1:9

November 21 - 25
Theme: Thanksgiving
Bible: Review

November 28 - December 2
Theme: Library
Bible: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho

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