Thursday, May 31, 2012

June Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


We have a new student who began in the Infant Room at the end of May. Welcome, Tia! We are also saying good bye to Henry and Sam as they move up to the Wobbler Room this month.

Also, Ella has started sitting up!

Just a reminder, please remember to bring sunscreen to keep here at Sunshine School, and be sure that it is clearly labeled with your child's name. We will not need signed medical consent forms because parents have already provided sunscreen consent on the new registration forms.


In June, both Aisha and Eli will be moving up to Preschool, and we will be welcoming Henry and Sam into the Wobbler Room. We will also be welcoming a new student into the Wobbler Room. Welcome, Enzo!

We're looking forward to a great summer with lots of time outside enjoying bubbles and sidewalk chalk!


Our preschool students have been preparing for the Graduation Program, and we want you to know that all Sunshine School families are invited to attend! Lamb's Fold students will be invited up to the stage with their parents to collect their end of the year certificates, and we would love to see you there! It is on Friday, June 8th at 6:30 pm.

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