Friday, June 29, 2012

Safety Reminder

Just a reminder, please do NOT open the front door for other people, and please do not allow your children to do so either. For the safety of all of the children in our care, staff need to be aware of who is in the building at all times.

Even if you recognize other parents, please do not let them into the building.

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

July Newsletter

Summer Picnics July 8 & August 12
starting at 11:30

Trinity Fellowship Church is hosting 2 family picnics this summer out on the field. There will be food, games, and a water slide! Lunch is $2 per adult and $1 per child, and you can bring a salad or dessert to share. For more information, call Kelly Shoman at 503-348-0532.

Looking for After School care for your 
elementary student this fall?

We will be expanding this program and providing high quality after school care along with art, science, music enrichment classes, and homework club. Students at Atkinson Elementary can be transported by Sunshine School staff to our facility at 3 pm daily, and students at Bridger can ride the school bus to our facility daily. We are busy working on all of the details for this expanded program, so program details and registration forms will be available soon!

Summer School Closure Days

This summer, Sunshine School will be closed on :
  • Wednesday, July 4th for Independence Day
  • The week of August 27-31 for Teacher Planning
  • Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day

4th of July Week

Please locate the attendance sheet for 4th of July week either in your child's classroom or in the front hallway and indicate which days your child will attend during the holiday week.

July Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


We have a new student who began in June. Welcome, Micah!

This last month, Everett has started crawling! Also, we are celebrating Kai's 1st birthday this month on July 14th. Happy birthday, Kai!

You may notice that the Infant Room is looking a bit incomplete at this point. We have plans to finish painting and add a full-wall Peter Rabbit mural, and we will be continuing that process in July. Thank you for your patience as we continue this project! We are excited to see it all come together!

Recently, we have been enjoying the beautiful summer weather as much as possible! We have been taking the babies outside for walks as often as we can, and some of the older babies have been visiting the Wobblers for outside play. 


We have a new student who began in July. Welcome, Owen!

We are also celebrating Maggie's birthday this month on the 23rd. Happy birthday, Maggie!

This month, the Wobblers will be planting sunflowers so that they can watch them grow throughout the summer. Also, on hot days, the Wobblers will be enjoying some water fun in the afternoons. If you would like, you are welcome to bring an extra set of clothing, and we would be happy to change your child into dry clothing after water play. If not, we are happy to let your child enjoy the water and then air dry in the warm weather.

This summer and into the fall, the church will begin a remodeling project that will affect our small outdoor playground and our gym area. As a result, the Wobblers will be spending a lot of their outside time on the main playground where they can enjoy the sandbox, swings, slides, and lots of room to run! We will keep you updated as this remodeling project takes place.

July Newsletter: Preschool

Upcoming Events & Themes

July 2 - 6
Theme: Happy Birthday, USA!
Bible Theme: Serve Friends
July 3: Red, White, & Blue Dress-up Day & Picnic on the Playground 
July 4: Sunshine School Closed

July 9 - 13
Theme: Summer Fun with Bikes, Bubbles, and More
Bible Theme: Serve Friends
July 11: Wheels Day
July 13: Walk to Mt. Tabor

July 16 - 20
Theme: Down on the Farm & Cowboy
Bible Theme: Serve Neighbors
July 19: Farm & Rodeo Fun Day

July 23 - 27
Theme: Rainforest & Safari Life
Bible Theme: Serve Neighbors
July 23: Walk to Mt. Tabor
July 24: Librarian visits to read stories

July 30 - August 3
Theme: Ocean Life & Beach
Bible Theme: Serve Community

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Preschool Hike to Mt. Tabor

On Tuesday, June 26th, all preschool classes are walking up to Mt. Tabor together to play at the park. Please make sure that your child wears good walking shoes and arrives at school no later than 9:45 am. If your preschool child does not normally attend on Tuesdays, he or she is welcome to come with a parent. Please talk to your child's teacher if your child is planning to come extra for this event.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Preschool Summer Bible Curriculum

As part of our Preschool Bible Curriculum this summer, we are looking at five themes related to serving others. The first theme, "Serving My Family," will start June 18th and finish June 29th. As we go through the next two weeks, we will be discussing ways that we can help serve our families, and we will have several role-playing opportunities in the classrooms. To help the children connect with this theme, we invite each child to bring a family photo for a special bulletin board display. Please mark the photo with your name so that we can be sure to return it to the correct family.  Additionally, please feel free to share with us ways in which your child helps at home, whether it be picking up toys or choosing to have a great attitude!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Upcoming Events

Sunshine School Graduation
Friday, June 8th 6:30 pm

All Sunshine School families are invited to attend this special event! Preschool students will all be participating on stage, and Lamb's Fold students will be invited up with their parents to receive their end of the school year diploma. Please have preschool students in their classrooms by 6:15. Also, please be sure to pick up your children in time to take them home to eat, or you can bring a sack dinner. There will be desert after the program.

School Closures

Just a reminder, Sunshine School is CLOSED on Monday, June 11th and Tuesday, June 12th for Teacher Planning. The summer program begins on Wednesday, June 13th.