Tuesday, June 26, 2012

July Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


We have a new student who began in June. Welcome, Micah!

This last month, Everett has started crawling! Also, we are celebrating Kai's 1st birthday this month on July 14th. Happy birthday, Kai!

You may notice that the Infant Room is looking a bit incomplete at this point. We have plans to finish painting and add a full-wall Peter Rabbit mural, and we will be continuing that process in July. Thank you for your patience as we continue this project! We are excited to see it all come together!

Recently, we have been enjoying the beautiful summer weather as much as possible! We have been taking the babies outside for walks as often as we can, and some of the older babies have been visiting the Wobblers for outside play. 


We have a new student who began in July. Welcome, Owen!

We are also celebrating Maggie's birthday this month on the 23rd. Happy birthday, Maggie!

This month, the Wobblers will be planting sunflowers so that they can watch them grow throughout the summer. Also, on hot days, the Wobblers will be enjoying some water fun in the afternoons. If you would like, you are welcome to bring an extra set of clothing, and we would be happy to change your child into dry clothing after water play. If not, we are happy to let your child enjoy the water and then air dry in the warm weather.

This summer and into the fall, the church will begin a remodeling project that will affect our small outdoor playground and our gym area. As a result, the Wobblers will be spending a lot of their outside time on the main playground where they can enjoy the sandbox, swings, slides, and lots of room to run! We will keep you updated as this remodeling project takes place.

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