Friday, September 27, 2013

October Newsletter

Fingerprint Check-in Station

Our Fingerprint Check-in station is up and running, and our sign in system is now paper-free! Please remember to check your student in or out at this computer station every time you drop off or pick up. If you are having trouble with the fingerprint scan, please refer to the instruction card beside the computer for finger-scanning tips! If you still have trouble checking in or out, please inform a staff member so that we can correct the issue and ensure that your student is properly signed in and out.

October in Sprout!

Our Fall Enrichment Classes are up and running! This month, there are two dates on the Portland Public School calendar that Sprout families should be aware of:

  • October 11: PPS is CLOSED for an Inservice Day. Please let the office know if your student will attend Sprout for the full day on October 11.

  • October 16: PPS Late Opening. Please let the office know if your student will attend Sprout for the extended morning program.  

Pre-Kindergarten Writing Focus

This school year, our pre-k students are working their way through the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. Mrs. Gibbs & Mrs. Reena are spending their literacy time together coaching kids through this age-appropriate handwriting curriculum to give students a chance to develop the fine motor skills needed for writing. Our goal is to get our pre-k students as prepared as possible for their entrance to kindergarten next fall! If you have any questions about this curriculum, please talk to Mrs. Gibbs or Mrs. Reena.

Preschool Portrait Mini Sessions

In the past, October has been the month to do school photos. This year, however, we are providing families with a new and exciting option. Rather than having a photographer come on site during our school day, we have arranged with a local photographer to provide portrait mini-sessions to Sunshine School families at a reduced rate. These outdoor sessions will be available on Saturday, October 12 & 19, and information and rates have been sent home in your student’s cubby. To sign up for a session, please contact the photographer directly.

Preschool Curriculum & Events for October:

September 30 – October 4: Library
    Color & Shape: Yellow & Square
    Letter & Number: Dd & 3
    Fruit or Vegetable: Pear
    Pre-K Writing Focus: Aim & Trace
    Bible: Abraham & Isaac
    Memory Verse: Psalm 24:1
     “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”
    Special Events: Yellow Day on Friday 10/4 (Wear something yellow!)

October 7-11: Music & Instruments
    Color & Shape: Red + Yellow = Orange; Square
    Letter & Number: Aa - Dd Review & 4
    Fruit or Vegetable: Pear
    Pre-K Writing Focus: Trace Shapes
    Bible: Joseph
    Memory Verse: Psalm 24:1
     “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”
    Special Events:  Pear Tasting on Tuesday 10/8
                            Librarian visits to read stories on Fri day 10/11

October 14-18: Dance & Physical Fitness
    Color & Shape: Orange & Rectangle
    Letter & Number: Ee & 5
    Fruit or Vegetable: Carrot
    Pre-K Writing Focus: Write your name
    Bible: Sharing
    Memory Verse: Psalm 24:1
     “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”
    Special Events: Orange Day on Wednesday 10/16 (Wear something orange!)

October 21-25: Health & Hygiene
    Color & Shape: Orange & Rectangle
    Letter & Number: Ff & 0-5 Review
    Fruit or Vegetable: Carrot
    Pre-K Writing Focus: Counting & Trace #1
    Bible: Moses & The Exodus
    Memory Verse: Joshua 1:6
     “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord            your God will be with you wherever you go.”
    Special Events: Carrot Tasting on Monday 10/21

October 28 – November 1: Harvest
    Color & Shape: Color Review & Rectangle
    Letter & Number: Gg & 6
    Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkin
    Pre-K Writing Focus: Trace #1 and L; Shape: Cross
    Bible: 10 Commandments
    Memory Verse: Joshua 1:6
     “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord           your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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