Friday, January 3, 2014

Lunch lady update

Hello there families,

Well, it's been quite a year! And frankly, my dear, I'm glad it's over.

Between traveling home for thanksgiving and getting sick for what seems like the whole month of December, I'd like to extend my apologizes for keeping you mildly out of the loop in lunch lady land.

As I head into the new year I'm trying to figure out how to best continue serving up delicious and fun meals for the kids while also keeping you in the know. And as some of you already know, I found the answer...


This way you can stay informed as we go as I post almost each day what goes on here and it keeps me from hiding in my room at the end of each month trying to crank out a blog that I'm not even certain how many people read.

So, that said, just click here and once you're there click like to get the updates sent straight to your Facebook feed.

This will also catch you up November and December!

I'm sure I'll be blogging again when I can, until then... See ya facebook! (And don't worry, you can still view it even if you don't have facebook... it is a public page, while respecting the privacy of the kids and families!)

Lunch lady out,


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