Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Upcoming Events

White Day!
Friday, January 6th.
Wear something white to school!

Preschool Field Trip to the Historic Belmont Firehouse
January 24th & 26th
For Police, Fire, & 911 week, the preschool students will visit the Historic Belmont Firehouse at 900 SE 35th Ave. in Portland. The Firehouse includes the "Safety Learning Center and Fire Museum," and students will participate in an age-appropriate tour with fire safety education. To learn more about the Historic Belmont Firehouse, visit http://www.jeffmorrisfoundation.org/.

To make the field trip manageable, we are going in two separate groups on two separate days.

Group 1:
Mrs. Sarah & Mrs. Jaime's Classes
Tuesday, January 24th
9:00 - 10:00
Please be at school by 8:30!

Group 2:
Miss Alyssa & Mrs. Gibbs's Classes
Thursday, January 26th
9:00 - 10:00
Please be at school by 8:30!

In order to make this happen, parents need to bring car seats and install them in our school vans before we leave for the field trip. On the day your child's class is scheduled to go, children will need to arrive at school NO LATER THAN 8:30 (or earlier if possible), and parents need to install the car seats when they drop off their children. The vans need to leave by 8:45 in order to arrive on time for our 9:00 tour. If your child does not arrive in time or does not have a car seat installed in the van, he or she will stay at the school with the other preschool classes.

Due to limited vehicle space, only children in the scheduled classes will be able to attend. If your child does not regularly attend school on the day that his or her class is going to the Firehouse, you may drive your child separately to meet his or her class, but you must stay to supervise your own child. Children will not be allowed to go on the field trip with the other scheduled group.

This is a new event for us, and we are very excited to share it with your kids! Please talk to your child's teacher or the office if you have any questions!

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