Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Upcoming Events

Pajama Day!

This Friday, January 20th, is Pajama Day! All kids are invited to wear their PJ's to school, and the preschool will have a special movie time in their PJ's! Preschool classes will still plan to go outside to play, so please be sure to bring weather appropriate shoes and coats!

Field Trip to the Belmont Firehouse

Just a reminder, next week the preschool classes will visit the Historic Belmont Firehouse! Mrs. Sarah's Class and Mrs. Jaime's Class will go on Tuesday, January 24th; and Miss Alyssa's Class and Mrs. Gibbs's Class will go on Thursday, January 26th. Both groups will leave by 8:45 am on their respective field trip days, and your child will need you to install a car seat in the school van in order to participate.

Please have your child at school no later than 8:30 on the day of his or her class field trip, and make sure that he or she has a car seat installed in the school van before you leave!!

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