Friday, April 20, 2012


I recently watched a documentary called Ingredients, that I wanted to pass along to the Sunshine School Community.    This film looks at buying and eating locally grown produce and supporting local farmers.  Much of this documentary was filmed in Oregon, which was also fun to watch and I feel incredibly blessed to live here in the NW and specifically Portland where we have great access to so much local produce.  

It's also a good tie in to promote our upcoming plant sale at Sunshine School.  This annual fundraiser helps us fund bigger projects around the school.  Past projects and purchases have included the hallway and Concept Room painting and murals as well as the the purchase of our 4 seated infant stroller.  This year's projects include updating the infant room, additional playground equipment and expanding the after school program.

This year we have been working with the Karam Family at Tony's Garden Center here in SE Portland and everything we have purchased from them was started from seed at their SE Portland or Happy Valley locations.  We believe you will be equally satisfied with the quality and selection this year.  

Many studies have shown that kids are more likely to try a new food, specifically vegetables if there had a hand in growing or preparing the food.  So maybe try a small vegetable garden in your yard this year with your kids. 

Please invite family and friends to our Plant Sale, May 5-6th from 9am-4pm.  We will have crafts and facepainting for kids as well as cooking demonstrations and gardening advice.  

See you there!  


*Ingredients is also available on Instant Netflix 
Spring Menu 2012 - May

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Recycling Fundraiser

April 23 - 27 is Recycling Week, and we are collecting returnable cans and bottles to raise money for Food for the Poor. This is an international Christian organization that works to provide food, employment, water, and housing to people in need. Here are a few examples of things our recycled bottles could buy:

     A fruit tree for a family: $10
     20 chicks to provide eggs for a family: $25
     A goat to provide milk for a family: $90

Each of these items would provide both food and income for a family in need. To learn more about Food for the Poor, visit

Look for the buckets in the front hallway, and bring in your returnable cans and bottles!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TaborView Coffee open at Trinity Fellowship

TaborView Coffee is now open on Saturday and Sunday mornings at Trinity Fellowship.  The picture above is what we are serving and all prices listed are a suggested donation.  We are proudly serving Portland Roasting coffee and pasteries from BakeShop.  TaborView will be open Saturdays from 8:30-noon and Sundays from 8:30-12:45.  I'll be the barista this weekend, so come by and say hi! 


Monday, April 16, 2012

Umbrella Walk

On Wednesday April 18th, we will have our annual Umbrella Walk! Rain or shine, your child can bring rain boots and an umbrella for a walk around the neighborhood. Wobblers and Preschoolers are invited to participate. Children who do not normally attend on Wednesdays are welcome to join us if accompanied by a parent. Please talk to your child's teacher if you would like to know what time their class will walk.

Registration For Fall 2012

If you have not turned in your registration paperwork for Fall 2012, please remember to do so by April 30th! After April 30th, registration will open up to new families, and your child's spot will no longer be guaranteed.

Also, we are planning class assignments for the summer, so don't forget to inform the office if your child's schedule will change for the summer!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pre-K Zoo Trip

Miss Alyssa's class and Mrs. Gibbs's class are going to the zoo on Thursday, April 12th! Please have your child's car seat or booster seat installed in the school van by 8:45. If your child is in one of these classes and does not normally attend on Thursdays, he or she is free to join us; but a parent will need to accompany your child, and you will need to drive separately due to lack of space in the vans. Please let your child's teacher know if you are planning to join us. Also, if you would like to come as a parent volunteer, we would love your help! Please sign up in the front hallway. Admission for all students and parent volunteers will be paid by the school. We will leave by 9:00 am and return by 12:30 pm.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April Newsletter

Easter Egg Hunt & Pancake Breakfast
April 7th

You're invited to join us for the Trinity Fellowship Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 7th. Choose a time that works best for your family, and come enjoy breakfast and an Easter Egg Hunt, and feel free to watch the first Upward Football games out on the field.

Easter Egg Hunts: 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 am
Pancake Breakfast: 8 am - 11 am

The Easter Egg Hunt is for ages 2-12. Be sure to bring your own basket!

Easter Services

Your family is invited to attend Easter Services at Trinity Fellowship Church.

Good Friday: April 6th, 7 pm
Easter Sunday: April 8th, 9 am and 11 am

Childcare and Sunday School are available to children from infancy through 5th grade for both Sunday morning services.

Plant Sale
Saturday, May 5th

The Sunshine School Annual Plant Sale is just around the corner! Mark your calendars, and come check out our large variety of vegetables, herbs, annuals, and perennials! Proceeds from this sale will go toward new playground equipment, updating the infant room, and expanding the after school program.

Fall Registration

If your child is going to be at Sunshine School for the 2012-2013 school year, please be sure to return your completed registration paperwork by April 30th. After April 30th, registration will open up to new families, and your child's spot will no longer be guaranteed. 

April Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold

March 23rd was Miss Amanda's last day at Sunshine School. We have loved having her in the After School Program, the Preschool, and the Lamb's Fold. Now she is working as a nanny, and we will certainly miss her! Later this month, Miss Kaitlin will fill her position in the Infant Room. Also, Miss Lydia, our Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant, has decided to take another employment opportunity, so Miss Kara will be starting as the Lamb's Fold Assistant this month.


J.J. is turning one on April 3rd, and Gemma is turning one on April 17th. Happy Birthday, J.J. and Gemma! Also, J.J. has started standing on his own! This month, we are sending Alex and Ivy up to the Wobbler Room as well.


This month, Chlow W. is moving up to Preschool, and Alex and ivy are joining the Wobbbler Room!

Also, this month we are talking about the Easter story and Jesus's death and resurrection, so the Easter story will be incorporated into Art and Story Time.

Lastly, as the weather improves, we will be spending more time outside! So please be sure that your child has a jacket, and it's time to start thinking about sunscreen. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen, please bring a bottle, clearly marked with your child's name, and be sure to offer your consent by checking the sunscreen authorization box on the new registration forms. Sunscreen is regarded as medicine, and we cannot apply it without written consent.

April Newsletter: Preschool

Pre-Kindergarten Zoo Trip
Thursday, April 12th

Mrs. Gibbs's class and Miss Alyssa's class are going to the zoo! Here are the details:
  • Please bring your child's car seat and install it in the school van by 8:45 am.
  • If your child does not attend on Thursdays, but would like to come, he or she must be accompanied by a parent and must drive seaprately due to limited space in the vans. Student tickets will be paid for by the school, but parent tickets must be purchased by the family. Please let your child's teacher know if your child will be joining us.
  • We would like 3-4 parent volunteers to help monitor the kids during the field trip. Please sign up in the front hallway. Parent volunteers can ride in the school vans, and their admission will be covered by the school. If you sign up as a parent volunteer, please do not bring any younger siblings with you.

Themes and Events for April

April 2 - 6
Theme: Easter
Bible Theme: The Cross, John 3:16
Event: Treasure of the Cross, April 6th

April 9 - 13
Theme: Zoo Animals
Bible Theme: Jesus is Alive! John 3:16
Event: Pre-Kindergarten Zoo Trip, April 12th

April 16 - 20
Theme: Trees
Bible: Review
Event: Umbrella Walk, April 18th

April 23 - 27
Theme: Recycling
Bible: Jesus Goes to Heaven, Psalm 24:1
Event: Recycling Fundraiser for Charity

April 30 - May 4
Theme: Flowers
Bible: Peter & John, John 14:6
Events: May Day Parade, May 1st
              Annual Plant Sale, May 5th