Friday, April 20, 2012


I recently watched a documentary called Ingredients, that I wanted to pass along to the Sunshine School Community.    This film looks at buying and eating locally grown produce and supporting local farmers.  Much of this documentary was filmed in Oregon, which was also fun to watch and I feel incredibly blessed to live here in the NW and specifically Portland where we have great access to so much local produce.  

It's also a good tie in to promote our upcoming plant sale at Sunshine School.  This annual fundraiser helps us fund bigger projects around the school.  Past projects and purchases have included the hallway and Concept Room painting and murals as well as the the purchase of our 4 seated infant stroller.  This year's projects include updating the infant room, additional playground equipment and expanding the after school program.

This year we have been working with the Karam Family at Tony's Garden Center here in SE Portland and everything we have purchased from them was started from seed at their SE Portland or Happy Valley locations.  We believe you will be equally satisfied with the quality and selection this year.  

Many studies have shown that kids are more likely to try a new food, specifically vegetables if there had a hand in growing or preparing the food.  So maybe try a small vegetable garden in your yard this year with your kids. 

Please invite family and friends to our Plant Sale, May 5-6th from 9am-4pm.  We will have crafts and facepainting for kids as well as cooking demonstrations and gardening advice.  

See you there!  


*Ingredients is also available on Instant Netflix 

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