Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April Newsletter: Preschool

Pre-Kindergarten Zoo Trip
Thursday, April 12th

Mrs. Gibbs's class and Miss Alyssa's class are going to the zoo! Here are the details:
  • Please bring your child's car seat and install it in the school van by 8:45 am.
  • If your child does not attend on Thursdays, but would like to come, he or she must be accompanied by a parent and must drive seaprately due to limited space in the vans. Student tickets will be paid for by the school, but parent tickets must be purchased by the family. Please let your child's teacher know if your child will be joining us.
  • We would like 3-4 parent volunteers to help monitor the kids during the field trip. Please sign up in the front hallway. Parent volunteers can ride in the school vans, and their admission will be covered by the school. If you sign up as a parent volunteer, please do not bring any younger siblings with you.

Themes and Events for April

April 2 - 6
Theme: Easter
Bible Theme: The Cross, John 3:16
Event: Treasure of the Cross, April 6th

April 9 - 13
Theme: Zoo Animals
Bible Theme: Jesus is Alive! John 3:16
Event: Pre-Kindergarten Zoo Trip, April 12th

April 16 - 20
Theme: Trees
Bible: Review
Event: Umbrella Walk, April 18th

April 23 - 27
Theme: Recycling
Bible: Jesus Goes to Heaven, Psalm 24:1
Event: Recycling Fundraiser for Charity

April 30 - May 4
Theme: Flowers
Bible: Peter & John, John 14:6
Events: May Day Parade, May 1st
              Annual Plant Sale, May 5th

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