Monday, October 29, 2012

November Newsletter

Family Movie Night

All Sunshine families are invited to join us for a Family Movie Night on Friday, November 9th at 6:30 pm. We will be watching Meet the Robinsons (rated G). Kids are encouraged to come in their pajamas and to bring a blanket and pillow to snuggle up and watch the movie on the big screens in the church sanctuary. Feel free to invite family and friends to join you!

Thanksgiving School Closure

Sunshine School will be closed on Thursday, November 22nd and Friday, November 23rd for Thanksgiving. If you have elementary students who will be attending Sunshine School on Monday the 19th, Tuesday the 20th, or Wednesday the 21st, please contact the Sunshine School office.

Staff Changes

Welcome to Miss Abigail, our new preschool teacher! Abigail has spent time working with kids at summer camps and in Sunday School, and she has a BA in English, with a Spanish minor, and a Masters in Intercultural Studies. She considers Portland her home, although she has spent many years traveling and living all over the world. Her favorite thing about working with Preschool kids is “seeing their eyes light up as they learn and knowing good seeds planted will bear much fruit. … I’m excited to be working at Sunshine and look forward to learning and growing along with the kids.” Outside of work, Abigail enjoys horseback riding, reading, playing piano, writing, hanging out with friends, and drinking good coffee.

Abigail is spending the last few days of October training and getting to know her kids and then diving in with her group! Be sure to introduce yourself to Abigail when you see her at school!

Preschool Christmas Program
Friday, December 7th at 6:30 pm

All Sunshine School families are invited to join us for our Christmas Program on Friday, December 7th at 6:30 pm. All preschool students will be practicing to sing on stage at this event!

Upcoming Preschool Themes and Events:

October 29 – November 2
Theme: Fall Fun
Color & Shape: Color Review & Rectangle
Letter & Number: G & 6
Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkins
Bible: Moses
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:32
Special Events: Fall Fun Day on Tuesday 10/30
                       Harvest Party on Wednesday 10/31 at 6:00 pm

November 5-9
Theme: Nutrition & Grocery Store
Color & Shape: Blue & Shape Review
Letter & Number: H & 7
Fruit or Vegetable: Carrots
Bible: The 10 Commandments
Memory Verse: The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20)
Special Event: Family Movie Night on Friday 11/9 at 6:30 pm

November 12-16
Theme: Restaurant, Cooking, & Thanksgiving
Color & Shape: Blue & Triangle
Letter & Number: E-H Review & 8
Fruit or Vegetable: Carrots
Bible: Thankfulness
Memory Verse: The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20)
Special Event: Blue Day on Tuesday 11/13

November 19-23
Theme: Thanksgiving
Color & Shape: Blue + Yellow = Green & Triangle
Letter & Number: I & 9
Fruit or Vegetable: Cabbage
Bible: Bible Review
Memory Verse: The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20)
Special Event: Sunshine School Closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday 11/22 & Friday 11/23

November 26-30
Theme: Library
Color & Shape: Green & Triangle
Letter & Number: J & 10
Fruit or Vegetable: Cabbage
Bible: Joshua & the Wall of Jericho
Memory Verse: Joshua 1:9
Special Event: Green Day on Wednesday 11/28

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