Monday, October 8, 2012

School Picture Day!

Picture Day Schedule:

Monday 10/15:
Pre-arranged Individual and Sibling Portraits
(Please sign up on the clipboard in the front hallway)

Tuesday 10/16:
9:00: Mrs. Jaime’s Class Photo, followed by Individual Portraits of children in Mrs. Jaime’s Class (until 10:30)

10:30: Ms. Amanda’s Class Photo, followed by Individual portraits of children in Ms. Amanda’s Class (until 12:00)

Wednesday 10/17:
8:30—9:15: Individual Portraits of children in the Wobbler Class

9:15: Wobbler Class Photo

9:30: Mrs. Sarah’s Class Photo, followed by Individual Portraits of children in Mrs. Sarah’s Class (until 11:00)

11:00: Mrs. Gibbs’s Class Photo, followed by Individual Portraits of children in Mrs. Gibbs’s Class (until 12:15)

· If you want to order photos, you must bring an order form with payment at the time photos are taken.
· There will not be a class photo for infants. Individual Portraits of infants will be taken as children are awake and the photographer is available.
· If you want your child to be in his or her class photo, he or she must be here at the time the class photo is scheduled.
· If you want Individual Portraits but your child cannot be here during the scheduled day and time for his or her class, you must sign up for a Monday time slot.

Please call or email if you have any questions about school pictures!

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