Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Playground Work Party!

Join us for a Playground Work Party!
Saturday, April 20
Breakfast served at 8 am

We are planning to serve you a great breakfast and take care of your kids, and we are hoping to refresh our playground for the spring! Check out the poster in our front hallway (pictured above) to catch the vision for our work day! We want to complete our greenhouse, spread new bark chips, fill up our sandbox, build and fill planter boxes, create a new infant and wobbler play area, and maybe even do a bit of indoor painting if we have enough volunteers!

If you are planning to join us, please sign up in the front hallway at Sunshine School, and be sure to let us know how many kids (ages 6 and below) you will be bringing for childcare. Please bring your own work gloves and any shovels or rakes you are willing to share (labeled with your name). 

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