Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Upcoming Events

Preschool Zoo Trip
(Miss Abigail's class & Mrs. Gibbs's class)
Thursday, April 11

Be sure to have your student at school by 8:30 on Thursday so we can  hit the road by 9:00! Also, be sure to install your child's car seat in the school van before you leave.

If your student is in one of these preschool classes, but does not normally attend on Thursdays, he or she is welcome to join us if accompanied by a parent. We will not have extra space in the vans to seat you, but just let your child's teacher know that you will meet us at the zoo. All student admission tickets will be provided by the school. 

Recycling Week Fundraiser for Food for the Poor
April 15-19

As part of our Recycling Week curriculum, we are encouraging students to bring their refundable cans and bottles to school. We plan to use the funds raised to purchase items for Food for the Poor. This is an international Christian organization that works to
provide food, employment, water, and housing to people in need. Here are a few examples of things our recycled bottles could buy:

A fruit Tree for a Family: $10
20 Chicks to Provide Eggs for a Family: $25
A Goat to Provide Milk for a Family: $90

Each of these items would provide both food and income for a family in need. To learn more about Food for the Poor, visit www.foodforthepoor.org.

Look for the buckets in the hallway, and bring in your returnable cans and bottles!!

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