Thursday, September 30, 2010

School Pictures

Jen in preschool

In the spirit of school pictures, I thought I would share these little gems with you.  I didn't go to preschool, but I was about 4 in the first picture and my Elton John impersonation at 18 months.  I hope to bring you more staff photos this month. 

School pictures will be taken on Monday, October 11th and Tuesday, October 12th.  Information was sent home this week with a permission form for you to fill out, sign and return to school.  We must have a permission slip for your child in order to have their picture taken.  You will be able to preview the pictures at a later date and decide if you would like to purchase a photo package.  Please return the permission slip even if you don't plan to purchase pictures.  We would like your child's photograph to be in our school composite picture.

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