Thursday, September 9, 2010

September Newsletter

Sunshine School Staff
We are excited to have you at Sunshine School for the 2010-2011 school year. We have a great year planned with lots of learning, activities and events for everyone. We are proud to introduce our outstanding and well-qualified staff:

Ms. Jen Browning, Director
Ms. Myrna Johnson, Office Administrator

Lamb's Fold
Mrs. Yvonne Brown, Lamb’s Fold Head Teacher
Mrs. Talissyn Quibell, Wobbler Teacher
Miss. Amanda Ford, Wobbler Teacher
Ms. Grace Later, Infant Teacher
Miss. Erika Banke, Infant Teacher
Miss. Amanda Huitt, Lamb’s Fold Assistant

Mrs. Sarah Soderberg, Head Preschool Teacher, 2½-3’s Teacher
Mrs. Jaime Phelps, 4’s Teacher
Ms. Traci VanDyken, 4’s & Pre-K Teacher
Ms. Alyssa Gardner, Pre-K Teacher
Mrs. Carolyn Poling, Floater & Afternoon Head Teacher
Ms. Ruth Imig, Preschool Assistant

Kindergarten and After School
Mrs. Tracy Gibbs, Kindergarten Teacher, Behavior Specialist
Mallory Strange, After School Teacher

Ms. Tammy Thompson, Cook

Health and Safety

Because your child’s safety and well being are our primary concerns, we ask that you help with the following:
  • Be sure to sign your child IN and OUT every day. We use this roster for our fire drills and emergencies.
  • Our teachers will ask for identification if they do not recognize you or someone picking up your child. Please make sure to keep your “authorized to pick up” records with us updated. If someone is not listed or does not have proper identification they will not be able to pick up your child. Please notify the office of any pick up changes in writing.
  • Due to our health regulations, we cannot accept food prepared at home. Snacks or treats for birthdays must be in their original packaging from the store. We love healthy snacks!
  • Sunshine School is a “”Flip Flop Free Zone”.
  • If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep them home from school: fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (within 24 hours), severe cough or cold, or any other illness or infection that might be spread to other students

Lamb's Fold News

Please join us in welcoming a new teacher to the Wobbler Room. Amanda Ford is a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute and just moved to Portland a few weeks ago. Amanda comes to us with great experience working one on one with toddlers with special needs. We are also saying goodbye to Ellyn, who graciously filled in this summer at Sunshine School.  Thank you Ellyn!  We are sad to see you go. 

We had a lot of fun playing in the sun this summer, as the weather starts to get cooler, please remember to bring a coat, sweatshirt or sweater each day. We still love to go outside when it’s dry.

Preschool News
Clothing Reminders
  • Be sure your child has proper shoes for outdoor play (no flip-flops please)
  • It is a good idea to send your child to school in comfortable clothes. Pants with an elastic waist are easiest to manage. Shoes with a soft sole, like tennis shoes, provide good traction.
  • As the weather starts to cool off, please make sure that your child has a coat, sweater or sweatshirt. We go outside as much as possible when it’s dry and want to make sure your child stays warm.

Kindergarten News
September Curriculum

September 13-17
  Language Arts: Introduce A, B, C, D, E, F
  Handwriting: Direction, orientation, and tracing.  Visual motor practice and coordination
  Math:  Counting 1-10, Recognition and number concept 1-5, positional words and patterns
  Bible: Creation
  Memory Verse:  Genesis 1:27a

September 20-24
  Language Arts:  Visual Discrimination, Introduce G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R
  Handwriting:  Draw and trace straight line, draw directional lines, write 1, 2
  Math:  Recognition and concept 6-7
  Bible:  Adam and Eve
  Memory Verse:  Romans 3:23

September 27-October 1
  Language Arts:  Listening Comprehension, Introduce S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z; review
  Handwriting: Draw slant lines, directional lines, straight lines, and circles
  Math:  Recognition and concept of 8
  Shapes: Circle and triangle
  Money:  Pennies and the concept of larger, smaller, and same size
  Bible:  Baby Samuel
  Memory Verse: Colossians 3:23

1 comment:

  1. Jen - Great idea with the blog! Looking forward to another great year for Petie and Chloe at Sunshine School. -Jill Wellnitz
