Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Newsletter

Backpack Program Update
Thank you for all of your contributions to the Backpack Program over the holidays! We raised enough food to fill most of our back counter, and it is being delivered to local elementary schools this month!

2011 Taxes
In January, you will receive an email with your tuition paid for 2011 to use for tax purposes. If you need an itemized list or cannot open the email document, contact the office. If we do not have your email address, you will receive this paperwork in your child's cubby or by mail.

A Few Reminders...
As we begin 2012, we have just a few reminders for parents.
  • If your child is staying home on a scheduled day, please be sure to call the office and let us know. 
  • If there have been any changes in your contact information, please let the office know. For your child's safety, it is important to have accurate contact information.
  • If you would like to add or delete anyone from your child's approved pick-up list, please let the office know. If a person is not on the pick-up list, or if a parent has not told the school that someone different is picking up your child, he or she will not be able to take your child home. Please be sure that they bring photo ID.
  • Be sure to stay up to date with school events by signing up for the school blog! If you are not receiving email updates from the blog, visit and add your email address.

January Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold
This month, Miss Erika will begin her Associates of Theology, so her last day of full-time work in the Lamb's Fold will be on January 13th. After that, she will be working afternoons only in the Lamb's Fold.

Miss Amanda Huitt will be starting in the Infant Room to fill Erika's position. Amanda has worked at Sunshine for about a year and a half, as the After School teacher, a substitute, and most recently as a Preschool Teacher. Be sure to welcome Amanda to the Lamb's Fold!

On January 7th, Henry is celebrating his 1st birthday.
Happy Birthday, Henry!

We are also welcoming two new students in the Infant Room this month. Archer began at the end of December, and Everett will begin this month.

On January 9th, Raen is celebrating her 2nd birthday.
Happy Birthday, Raen!

Etta is moving up to preschool this month to join Mrs. Sarah's class. Congratulations! We are also welcoming Evie from the Infant Room to join the Wobblers full-time.

This month in the Wobbler Room, Yvonne and Talissyn will be incorporating a weather theme. So, look forward to some fun weather art coming home!

Nap Time Reminder
Please remember to bring your child's nap things at the beginning of the week and to take them home to wash at the end of the week. This is an easy, practical way to prevent the spread of germs! In the Wobler Room, please remember to bring both a blanket and a crib sheet for nap time. 

January Newsletter: Preschool

Preschool Staff Changes
This month, Miss Amanda Huitt will be changing positions from Preschool to the Lamb's Fold. Her last day with Preschool will be on January 6th. Starting on January 9th, Miss Amanda's class and a few other students will begin in their new classes.

Jen has already informed all families of students who will be reassigned. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office.

Upcoming Events
January 2: School Closed for New Year
January 6: White Day
January 16: MLK Jr. Day, Sunshine School is Open
January 20: Pajama Day
January 23-27: Police and Firefighters Visit


January 2-6
Theme: Snow & Penguins
Bible: The Boyhood of Jesus, Psalm 23:1-4

January 9-13
Theme: Bob the Builder & Construction
Bible: Honesty, Psalm 23:1-4

January 16-20
Theme: Forms of Transportation
Bible: Samuel, Psalm 23:1-4

January 23-27
Theme: 911, Police, & Fire
Bible: David & the Psalms, Psalm 23:1-4

January 30 - February 3
Theme: Travel the World
Bible: Review

January Newsletter: Staff Corner

Miss Grace
Infant Room Teacher
"I like working the closing shift because that's when the Infant and Wobbler Rooms combine for the night, and that allows me to still have a relationship with all my former babies that have moved up to Wobblers. It's fun seeing them at that age after knowing and caring for them when they were just tiny babies."

Grace has worked in the Sunshine School Infant Room for 2 1/2 years. Before that, she worked as a nanny, babysitter, and tutor for many years and also participated in children's ministries at her church. She has her degree in Biblical Counseling and her elementary teaching credential from The Master's College in her home state of California.

"I love working at a place where the staff all gets along so well and I can honestly count on everyone as a friend... Oh, and I love my cowkrer, Erika Banke!" Outside of work, she enjoys reading, traveling, sports (especially hockey), and going to the beach.

Miss Amanda Ford
Preschool Floater
Miss Amanda has been at Sunshine School since September 2010. Last year, she worked in the Wobler Room, and now she works in Preschool as the Floater and Afternoon Art Teacher. Before coming to Sunshine School, Amanda worked as an in-home tutor for children with special needs, as well as working as a babysitter and volunteering as a Sunday School teacher. She is planning to start on a Masters degree in Art Therapy next fall and will begin her pre-requisites very soon. During her time at Sunshine School, she has come to enjoy the memorable quotes from the kids, as well as the good work environment and friendly staff.

Mrs. Carolyn
Office Administrator
Carolyn started working at Sunshine School about 5 years ago. Originally, she was hired as a Preschool Assistant, but she also worked as a Preschool Teacher for 3's and 4's and as the Preschool Floater. Now, she works in the office and substitutes in the classrooms when teachers are out. This month, she also begins working in the After School program. She has her Bachelor's degree in English Literature from Trinity Western University in British Columbia, but Portland has always been her home. Outside of work, Carolyn enjoys scrapbooking, reading, and spending time with her family. What's the best part about working with kids? "The kids are delightful! Even on the challenging days, they never fail to do or say something to make me smile!"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

January Menu

Winter Menu 2011-2012 -January

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

We hope that you have a wonderful long weekend celebrating Christmas with family and friends.  If you are looking for Christmas Services, I wanted to invite you to join us at Trinity Fellowship. A Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be Saturday from 7-8pm.  There will be one service on Christmas Morning from 10-11am.  

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Program

Sunshine School Christmas Program
Friday December 9th, 6:30 pm

Our preschool students have been practicing their Christmas songs and are ready to sing them for you! Please have preschool students in their classrooms by 6:15. If possible, please pick up your children early enough to take them home for dinner. Or else, you can provide a sack dinner for them to eat in the evening.

While only the preschool students have a direct role in the program,
all families are invited to join us!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Watch out for Pink Eye!

Over the last week there have been four reported cases of pink eye or other eye infections in our student body. To prevent any further spread of infection, teachers have sanitized the toys and surfaces in their classrooms, and we request that you keep your child home if he or she has any of these symptoms (as listed in the Parent Handbook):

  • Pink to reddish coloring of the eye
  • Watery eyes accompanied with discharge that might cause eyelashes and eyelids to stick together
  • Discomfort in the eye with itchiness (children may describe it as feeling sand in their eye)
  • The infection usually affects one eye, but can move to both
There are two kinds of pink eye: bacterial and viral. If you suspect that your child is infected, please consult your doctor. If your child develops bacterial pink eye, it is easily managed with antibiotics, and your child can return to school after being on antibiotics for 24 hours. If your child develops viral pink eye, he or she can return to school 24 hours after being symptom-free.