Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Newsletter: Preschool

Preschool Staff Changes
This month, Miss Amanda Huitt will be changing positions from Preschool to the Lamb's Fold. Her last day with Preschool will be on January 6th. Starting on January 9th, Miss Amanda's class and a few other students will begin in their new classes.

Jen has already informed all families of students who will be reassigned. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office.

Upcoming Events
January 2: School Closed for New Year
January 6: White Day
January 16: MLK Jr. Day, Sunshine School is Open
January 20: Pajama Day
January 23-27: Police and Firefighters Visit


January 2-6
Theme: Snow & Penguins
Bible: The Boyhood of Jesus, Psalm 23:1-4

January 9-13
Theme: Bob the Builder & Construction
Bible: Honesty, Psalm 23:1-4

January 16-20
Theme: Forms of Transportation
Bible: Samuel, Psalm 23:1-4

January 23-27
Theme: 911, Police, & Fire
Bible: David & the Psalms, Psalm 23:1-4

January 30 - February 3
Theme: Travel the World
Bible: Review

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