Friday, December 2, 2011

Watch out for Pink Eye!

Over the last week there have been four reported cases of pink eye or other eye infections in our student body. To prevent any further spread of infection, teachers have sanitized the toys and surfaces in their classrooms, and we request that you keep your child home if he or she has any of these symptoms (as listed in the Parent Handbook):

  • Pink to reddish coloring of the eye
  • Watery eyes accompanied with discharge that might cause eyelashes and eyelids to stick together
  • Discomfort in the eye with itchiness (children may describe it as feeling sand in their eye)
  • The infection usually affects one eye, but can move to both
There are two kinds of pink eye: bacterial and viral. If you suspect that your child is infected, please consult your doctor. If your child develops bacterial pink eye, it is easily managed with antibiotics, and your child can return to school after being on antibiotics for 24 hours. If your child develops viral pink eye, he or she can return to school 24 hours after being symptom-free.

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