Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold
This month, Miss Erika will begin her Associates of Theology, so her last day of full-time work in the Lamb's Fold will be on January 13th. After that, she will be working afternoons only in the Lamb's Fold.

Miss Amanda Huitt will be starting in the Infant Room to fill Erika's position. Amanda has worked at Sunshine for about a year and a half, as the After School teacher, a substitute, and most recently as a Preschool Teacher. Be sure to welcome Amanda to the Lamb's Fold!

On January 7th, Henry is celebrating his 1st birthday.
Happy Birthday, Henry!

We are also welcoming two new students in the Infant Room this month. Archer began at the end of December, and Everett will begin this month.

On January 9th, Raen is celebrating her 2nd birthday.
Happy Birthday, Raen!

Etta is moving up to preschool this month to join Mrs. Sarah's class. Congratulations! We are also welcoming Evie from the Infant Room to join the Wobblers full-time.

This month in the Wobbler Room, Yvonne and Talissyn will be incorporating a weather theme. So, look forward to some fun weather art coming home!

Nap Time Reminder
Please remember to bring your child's nap things at the beginning of the week and to take them home to wash at the end of the week. This is an easy, practical way to prevent the spread of germs! In the Wobler Room, please remember to bring both a blanket and a crib sheet for nap time. 

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