Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Newsletter

Spring Break

Sunshine School is open for the entire month of March, including the week of Spring Break, but several families may have plans for vacation, especially those of you who are teachers or have elementary age kids. Please use the class schedules on the wall of the front hallway to indicate whether or not your child will attend during Spring Break (March 26 - 30). This will assist us as we plan for appropriate staffing.

Registration for Fall 2012

This month, new registration forms will be going home for the 2012 - 2013 school year. To guarantee your spot for the fall, please fill out the registration paperwork and pay the $50 registration fee by April 30th. After April 30th, registration will open up to new families, and your child's spot for fall will no longer be guaranteed. The registration fee can be paid separately from your tuition, or it can be added to your tuition payment.

Because Sunshine School is open during the summer, we are assuming that all current students in Lamb's Fold and Preschool will maintain their schedules into the summer program. If your child will not be here this summer, or if you plan to change your child's schedule for the summer, please contact the office. Please note that spots in the Lamb's Fold cannot be held over the summer for a student who is not attending. If you unenroll your infant or wobbler during the summer months, your spot is not guaranteed for fall.

Daylight Savings Begins Sunday, March 11th

Remember to turn your clocks forward Saturday night, March 10th, to begin Daylight Savings!

March Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


Porter and Maggie are both leaving the Infant Room this month and are becoming Wobblers! Also, we are saying good bye to Archer and his family as they move out of town this month.

And, for those who are staying in the Infant Room, there are always new things to celebrate! Tate and Eli have both started taking steps, and Gemma has started crawling! We are also celebrating Eli's first birthday this month on March 15th. Happy Birthday, Eli!

Just a reminder, please be sure to bring multiple changes of clothing for your child every day. We do have extras on hand for when they are needed, but we won't always have the perfect fit for your child if he or she needs a clean set of clothes.


We are celebrating two birthdays in the Wobbler Room this month. Deacon is turning three on March 9th, and Evie is turning two on March 5th. Happy Birthday!

This month, both Deacon and Chloe F. are moving up to Preschool full time, and we are welcoming Porter and Maggie into the Wobler Room.

As the weather improves, please remember that the Wobblers go outside to play as often as weather allows. Please be sure to send weather-appropriate shoes and coats to keep your child comfortable while playing outside!

March Newsletter: Preschool

Grandparent's Day
Wednesday, March 21st, 8:45 - 10:15

Your child is invited to bring a grandparent or other special friend to visit for a morning of preschool! Visitors will join students for morning music at 8:45, will participate in circle time, and can join us for snack. Please sign up in the front hall at Sunshine School so we know how many visitors to expect! Due to space limitations, please only one visitor per student.

Upcoming Events

March 7: Teddy Bear Picnic
All students are invited to bring a teddy bear or another special stuffed animal for a picnic lunch, inside or outside depending on the weather.

March 16: Black Day

March 21: Grandparent's Day

March 27: Librarian visits to read stories

March 29: Purple Day

March 26 - 30: Pet Visits
Look for a sign up if you would like to bring your family pet to visit Sunshine School!


February 27 - March 2
Theme: Queens, Kings, & Castles
Bible: Shadrach, Meschach, & Abednego

March 5 - 9
Theme: Teddy Bears
Bible: Daniel, Matthew 6:9-13

March 12 - 16
Theme: Dr. Seuss
Bible: John, Matthew 6:9-13

March 19 - 23
Theme: Clifford the Big Red Dog
Bible: Jesus & His 12 Friends, Matthew 6:9-13

March 26 - 30
Theme: Pet Week
Bible: Parables of Jesus, Matthew 6:9-13

March Newsletter: Staff Corner

Mrs. Myrna, Lamb's Fold Floater
Myrna has been at Sunshine School for about 1 1/2 years, first in the office, and now in the Lamb's Fold. Before coming to Sunshine School, Myrna already had lots of experience with children. She started working with babies and preschoolers in her teens, taught Sunday School, oversaw the nursery department at her church for several years, and has seven children and 17 grandchildren of her own. What is her favorite part about working with children? "Watching the children's minds work as they become more aware of their world. In the Lamb's Fold, we see so much growth in language and reasoning every day. It's just a joy to watch, and we see it daily." Outside of work, Myrna enjoys reading, music, movies, and sewing.

Miss Lydia, Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant
Lydia began working at Sunshine School at the beginning of February as the Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant. She has several years of experience as a babysitter, and she has also spent time working with infants in another day care setting. She recently spent two years studying Anthrolpology at Portland State University, but she plans to transfer to the Art Institute this fall and begin her studies in Apparel Design. Lydia enjoys reading, exercising, spending time with her family, and working on her Arbonne wellness and cosmetic business. Lydia's favorite part about working with kids is "watching and helping children as they learn and discover new things. They get so excited, and that's fun to see."

Mrs. Jaime, Preschool Teacher
Jaime grew up on a farm in Tangent, OR, but she has lived in Portland for almost five years. For the past three years, she has lived on a sailboat on the Columbia River with her husband, Jeremy, and her dog, Zuri. Jaime is in her 5th year of being a Preschool Teacher at Sunshine School. Before coming to Sunshine, Jaime got her Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies at the Master's College in California. She also worked as a Teacher Aide at an international school in China for Kindergarten and Jr. High; as a First Grade Teacher in Guam; as an Afterschool Program Counselor for Kindergarten through 5th grade in California; and as a Sailing Instructor for inner city kids in Washington D.C. At work, Jaime says she enjoys "watching my students grow in their development and personalities." Outside of work, she enjoys "knitting, hiking, church, eating good food, and drinking fine wine." 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Infant Room Opening!

Starting on March 10th, there will be a full-time spot available in the Infant Room! If you know of anyone who may be interested in this spot, send them our way! Remember that all Sunshine School families are eligible for referral credits. This means that if a family lists you as being the person who referred them to Sunshine School, you will receive a $100 credit on your account when that family enrolls their child!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

March Menu 2012

Spring Menu 2012 - March

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Movie Night

At 6:30 this Friday, February 24th, we are hosting a Family Movie Night here in the church sanctuary! We will be showing Winnie the Pooh, released in 2011. Kids are invited to come in their PJ's and bring a blanket and pillow. Feel free to bring friends and family members to join you!

Please sign up on the clipboard in the front hallway at Sunshine School so we know how many people to expect. Dinner is not included, so please be sure to take your child home for something to eat before the movie starts. Also, please be sure to stay with your child during the movie.

See you at the movies!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Portland Christian Schools - Kindergarten Round Up

For those of you with kindergarten bound students, Portland Christian Schools is hosting a Kindergarten Round Up on Wednesday, February 29th from 2-3pm.  Portland Christian Elementary School is located at 11845 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216.  Check out for more information about their programs.  There is a flyer about their Kindergarten Round Up in the front lobby.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Upward Flag Football & Cheerleading

Flag Football and Cheerleading are coming to Trinity Fellowship Church! If you are interested in signing up your child for football or cheerleading, come to Trinity Fellowship Church for registration on Saturday, February 18th or Saturday, February 25th, between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. The cost is $74 for early registration (by February 18th), or $79 for regular registration (after February 18th). This league focuses on a positive and friendly sports experience for kids and great team spirit! Flag Football is open to all kids age 5 through 5th grade, and Cheerleading is open to all kids age 4 through 5th grade.

For more information, pick up a brochure in the front hallway at Sunshine School or contact Alicia Oakley at 971-244-2315.

Interested in Swapping Babysitting?

Several families at Sunshine School have been swapping babysitting with each other. This allows children the chance for a play date and allows parents a chance to have a break, and we think it's a great idea! Joanna Crump, a parent of a preschool child at Sunshine School, is interested in finding a few more families with whom to swap babysitting. If you are interested in swapping with her, feel free to call! 1-404-431-8628.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great Valentine's Day at Sunshine School, and we hope you had a great Valentine's Day, too!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Fun Day!

Valentine's Fun Day
Tuesday, February 14th, 10:00 am - 11:30 am

The Preschool classes will be celebrating Valentine's Day with games, art, and cookie decorating. If you would like to come help with this event, please sign up in the front hallway at Sunshine School. If you cannot come to the event, but would still like to help, you can also sign up to bring Valentine stickers or cookie sprinkles.

If your child does not normally attend on Tuesdays, he or she is welcome to come to this event if accompanied by a parent. Please let your child's teacher know if you are planning to do so. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pink Day!

Monday, February 6th is Pink Day! Have your child wear something Pink to school!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Newsletter

Kindergarten Round-up for
Atkinson & Bridger Elementary Schools
If your child will be attending Kindergarten at Atkinson or Bridger this fall, you are invited to visit their classes and learn more about Kindergarten.

Atkinson Elementary
February 22nd, 6:30 pm
5800 SE Division St.

Bridger Elementary
February 16th, 8:45 am & 6:30 pm
February 23rd, 6:30 pm (childcare is provided at this time)
7910 SE Market St.

Looking for an After School Program for Fall 2012?
Sunshine School offers an affordable After School Program for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Students attending Bridger Elementary can ride the bus to Sunshine School at the end of their school day, and students at Atkinson are driven to Sunshine School daily by a Sunshine School staff member. Students attending other schools are welcome to attend, but parents are responsible to arrange transportation. We also offer fun activities on Portland Public School closure days, such as art projects, field trips, and games! Contact the office if you have any questions.

Winnie the Pooh Family Movie Night
Friday, February 24th, 6:30 pm

All families are invited to join us for a movie night on the big screens in the church sanctuary! We will be watching the new Winnie the Pooh released in 2011. In this hour-long movie, Winnie the Pooh and his friends go on an adventure to find Eyeore a new tail.

Kids are encouraged to wear their PJ's and bring a blanket. Dinner is not provided, so please be sure to take your child home for something to eat before the movie begins.

February Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold
In January, we said good bye to Miss Erika as she began school and started part-time work elsewhere. In her place, Miss Amanda has joined the Infant Room full-time. In January, we also said good-bye to Miss Julie, our Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant, and Miss Lydia has joined our staff to fill that position. 

Infant Room
In January, we welcomed Ella into the Lamb's Fold, and in February, we are expecting Indy to join the Infant Room. Welcome! The kids in the Infant Room are quickly becoming more mobile. Eli is crawling, and Henry has started walking!

Just a reminder to parents, please be sure to sign your child in and out every day.

Wobbler Room
The Wobblers have been keeping busy, even in this cold, rainy season. They enjoy stretching and doing exercises in the gym, especially jumping jacks and starburst jumps. This month, we are planning some fun Valentine themed art! Also, as the weather allows, the Wobblers will go outside when they can. So please be sure to bring weather appropriate shoes and coats.

In February, Penny is moving up to Preschool to join Mrs. Sarah's class. Porter will be joining the Wobblers a few days a week as he begins to transition from the Infant Room to the Wobbler Room.

Happy Birthday!
Liam is turning two on February 4th, and Tate is turning one on February 22nd.
Happy Birthday, Liam and Tate!

February Newsletter: Preschool

Upward Flag Football & Cheerleading
Trinity Fellowship Church will offer a Flag Football and Cheerleading league this spring. Football is open to children ages 5 through 5th grade, and cheerleading is open to children ages 4 through 5th grade. This league focuses on a positive and friendly sports experience for kids and great team spirit. For more information, pick up a brochure in the front hallway at Sunshine School.

Early Regsitration: February 18th
Registration Deadline: February 25th
Practices Begin: March 24th

Upcoming Events
February 6:
Pink Day

February 14:
Valentine's Fun Day

February 24:
Family Movie Night at 6:30

February 29:
Brown Day

January 30 - February 3
Theme: Travel the World
Bible: Review; I Corinthians 13:4-8

February 6 - 10
Theme: Friends & Neighbors
Bible: Elijah & Elisha, I Corinthians 13:4-8

February 13 - 17
Theme: Valentine's Day
Bible: Jonah, I Corinthians 13:4-8

February 20 - 24
Theme: Classic Stories & Nursery Rhymes
Bible: Isaiah, I Corinthians 13:4-8

February 27 - March 2
Theme: Queens, Kings, & Castles
Bible: Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego

February Newsletter: Staff Corner

Miss Ruth, Preschool Afternoon Assistant
Ruth is a native Portland resident, and she has been at Sunshine School for about three years as an Afternoon Assistant in Preschool and as a full-time Preschool Teacher in the summer. She is currently working on her Elementary Education degree at Warner Pacific College with plans to graduate in winter 2013. Outside of Sunshine School, Ruth has spent many years working with kids at her church and doing summer Backyard Bible Clubs. For her, the best part about working with children is "the cute things preschoolers say and do. I always can count on getting a hug, picture, or smile."

Outside of work and school, Ruth enjoys spending time with family and friends, pursuing photography, and even has spent time playing flute in a Bossa Nova band.

Mrs. Tracy Gibbs, Pre-K Teacher
Tracy has taught at Sunshine School for five years, but has 15 years of teaching experience. She has taught 5th and 6th grade for three years, Kindergarten for 10 years, and Preschool for two years. She has her Liberal Arts degree from San Diego State University and a Masters in Education from National University in San Diego. She lives in Portland with her husband and two sons, James and Zechariah, but she still thinks of San Diego as her home. Tracy is a huge sci-fi fan, and she also enjoys camping, hiking, and watching and playing basketball. For Tracy, the best part about working in Preschool is that "no two days are ever the same when you teach, and kids really do say the funniest things."

Miss Jen, Director
Before coming to Sunshine School 2 1/2 years ago, Jen taught middle school Health and PE for two years and worked at Hume Lake Christian Camps in California for three years. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Public Health from Oregon State University and her Master's in Teaching from Concordia Univeristy. At Sunshine School, Jen most enjoys getting to know kids and their families and developing new programs, like Camp Sprout, as well as just hearing the funny conversations kids have outside of her office. In her free tim, Jen loves "cooking, spending time with family, and spending time outside, especially summers in Portland. I love trying newe restaurants and a Stumptown latte." Although Jen spent many years teaching and working in California, she still considers Portland her home.