Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold
In January, we said good bye to Miss Erika as she began school and started part-time work elsewhere. In her place, Miss Amanda has joined the Infant Room full-time. In January, we also said good-bye to Miss Julie, our Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant, and Miss Lydia has joined our staff to fill that position. 

Infant Room
In January, we welcomed Ella into the Lamb's Fold, and in February, we are expecting Indy to join the Infant Room. Welcome! The kids in the Infant Room are quickly becoming more mobile. Eli is crawling, and Henry has started walking!

Just a reminder to parents, please be sure to sign your child in and out every day.

Wobbler Room
The Wobblers have been keeping busy, even in this cold, rainy season. They enjoy stretching and doing exercises in the gym, especially jumping jacks and starburst jumps. This month, we are planning some fun Valentine themed art! Also, as the weather allows, the Wobblers will go outside when they can. So please be sure to bring weather appropriate shoes and coats.

In February, Penny is moving up to Preschool to join Mrs. Sarah's class. Porter will be joining the Wobblers a few days a week as he begins to transition from the Infant Room to the Wobbler Room.

Happy Birthday!
Liam is turning two on February 4th, and Tate is turning one on February 22nd.
Happy Birthday, Liam and Tate!

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