Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Newsletter: Staff Corner

Mrs. Myrna, Lamb's Fold Floater
Myrna has been at Sunshine School for about 1 1/2 years, first in the office, and now in the Lamb's Fold. Before coming to Sunshine School, Myrna already had lots of experience with children. She started working with babies and preschoolers in her teens, taught Sunday School, oversaw the nursery department at her church for several years, and has seven children and 17 grandchildren of her own. What is her favorite part about working with children? "Watching the children's minds work as they become more aware of their world. In the Lamb's Fold, we see so much growth in language and reasoning every day. It's just a joy to watch, and we see it daily." Outside of work, Myrna enjoys reading, music, movies, and sewing.

Miss Lydia, Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant
Lydia began working at Sunshine School at the beginning of February as the Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant. She has several years of experience as a babysitter, and she has also spent time working with infants in another day care setting. She recently spent two years studying Anthrolpology at Portland State University, but she plans to transfer to the Art Institute this fall and begin her studies in Apparel Design. Lydia enjoys reading, exercising, spending time with her family, and working on her Arbonne wellness and cosmetic business. Lydia's favorite part about working with kids is "watching and helping children as they learn and discover new things. They get so excited, and that's fun to see."

Mrs. Jaime, Preschool Teacher
Jaime grew up on a farm in Tangent, OR, but she has lived in Portland for almost five years. For the past three years, she has lived on a sailboat on the Columbia River with her husband, Jeremy, and her dog, Zuri. Jaime is in her 5th year of being a Preschool Teacher at Sunshine School. Before coming to Sunshine, Jaime got her Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies at the Master's College in California. She also worked as a Teacher Aide at an international school in China for Kindergarten and Jr. High; as a First Grade Teacher in Guam; as an Afterschool Program Counselor for Kindergarten through 5th grade in California; and as a Sailing Instructor for inner city kids in Washington D.C. At work, Jaime says she enjoys "watching my students grow in their development and personalities." Outside of work, she enjoys "knitting, hiking, church, eating good food, and drinking fine wine." 

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