Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Newsletter

Spring Break

Sunshine School is open for the entire month of March, including the week of Spring Break, but several families may have plans for vacation, especially those of you who are teachers or have elementary age kids. Please use the class schedules on the wall of the front hallway to indicate whether or not your child will attend during Spring Break (March 26 - 30). This will assist us as we plan for appropriate staffing.

Registration for Fall 2012

This month, new registration forms will be going home for the 2012 - 2013 school year. To guarantee your spot for the fall, please fill out the registration paperwork and pay the $50 registration fee by April 30th. After April 30th, registration will open up to new families, and your child's spot for fall will no longer be guaranteed. The registration fee can be paid separately from your tuition, or it can be added to your tuition payment.

Because Sunshine School is open during the summer, we are assuming that all current students in Lamb's Fold and Preschool will maintain their schedules into the summer program. If your child will not be here this summer, or if you plan to change your child's schedule for the summer, please contact the office. Please note that spots in the Lamb's Fold cannot be held over the summer for a student who is not attending. If you unenroll your infant or wobbler during the summer months, your spot is not guaranteed for fall.

Daylight Savings Begins Sunday, March 11th

Remember to turn your clocks forward Saturday night, March 10th, to begin Daylight Savings!

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