Monday, August 20, 2012

Menu Change and School Closure

Menu Change Reminder:

Beginning September 1, all Sunshine School families will need to provide their children’s lunches daily.

The Sunshine School kitchen will be undergoing a major remodel from September 1 through December 31, and Sunshine School will NOT be able to provide lunches for students. Sunshine will continue to provide morning and afternoon snacks for Wobblers, Preschool, and Afterschool students, and we will continue to provide milk and water at meals.

A few things to remember:
· Sunshine School is a NUT FREE SCHOOL. Do not send any form of nuts (including peanut butter). Please read labels carefully if you are sending any granola, bars, or trail mix and be sure that there are no nuts. (Sunflower butter is a great alternative to Peanut Butter!)
· You will need to provide any forks, spoons, or dishes that your child requires, and we will not be able to wash any dishes
· We will not be able to heat any children’s lunches. Their food must be ready to serve right out of their lunchbox.
· We will provide refrigeration for student lunches.
· Parents will be responsible to bring enough lunch food for their child each day (we cannot store food for multiple days).

Also, please remember that Sunshine School is CLOSED August 27- September 3. The first day of the 2012-2013 School Year is on Tuesday, September 4. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Upcoming Events

Preschool Olympics
Friday, August 17

This will be a fun day of group and individual activities, and lots of team spirit! Make sure your child comes dressed in comfortable shoes for running and jumping and arrives at school by 10:00 to participate. This is not a competitive event, but rather just a great time to be active, enjoy the sunshine, and cheer each other on!

We would love to have some parent volunteers help with the set-up and running of this event. If you would like to help, sign up for a shift (either 8:30 - 10:00 or 10:00 - 11:30) by the preschool sign-in sheet. Also, preschool students who do not normally attend on Fridays are welcome to join us for this event (10:00 - 11:30) if accompanied by a parent.

Wobbler Water Play
Friday, August 17

The Wobblers will be having a water fun day this Friday! Parents are asked to bring a towel and water appropriate shoes, such as water socks, sandals, or crocs. (No flip flops, please.) Students are welcome to bring swimsuits, or they can just play in the sprinkler in their diapers. Wobblers who do not normally attend on Fridays are welcome to join us for this event if accompanied by a parent. 

Afterschool Program for Fall 2012

Registration packets are now available for our Afterschool Program for Fall 2012! 

We have distributed packets to all of our current pre-kindergarten students and to students previously enrolled in our Afterschool Program. If you or anyone you know is interested in our Afterschool Program, please let us know and we would be happy to give you a registration packet! 

This fall, students will be able to choose from several enrichment options, including Music Foundations, Cooking Classes, Art Foundations, and Beginning Piano Lessons. Students can enroll for before or after school care for one or more mornings and or afternoons each week, or students can sign up to take just an 8 week enrichment class of your choice. We are excited to offer these new options, and we would be happy to answer any questions you have about our program!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Water Play Extravaganza!

The preschool students enjoyed a sunny morning of swimsuits, bubbles, sprinklers, and water balloons! 

Infant Room Mural

Our Infant Room Peter Rabbit mural is finished! Stop by and have a look! More changes still to come in this room.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Date Changes for Upcoming Events

Water Play Extravaganza: Friday 8/3

The Preschool Water Play Extravaganza has been moved to Friday, August 3rd to follow a sunnier forecast. Please have your child bring a swimsuit, towel, and water shoes (crocs or sandals work well, but please no flip-flops). If your child does not normally attend on Fridays but would like to come play in the water with us, he or she is welcome to do so if accompanied by a parent. Please talk to your child's teacher to confirm the times that your child's class will be participating in this event.

Hike to Mt. Tabor Park: Tuesday 8/7

The next Preschool Hike to Mt. Tabor Park has been moved to Tuesday, August 7th (rather than Monday, August 6th). Please make sure that your child wears good walking shoes and arrives at school by 9:45 am!

August Newsletter

School Closure Days

Sunshine School will be CLOSED on the following days:

*The week of August 27 - 31 for Teacher Planning
*Monday, September 3 for Labor Day

The 2012-2013 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 4th. 

New Date! Summer Picnic on August 26
starting at 11:30

Trinity Fellowship Church is hosting a family picnic out on the field. There will be food, games, and a water slide! Lunch is $2 per adult and $1 per child, and you can bring a salad or dessert to share. For information, call Kelly Shoman at 503-348-0532.

2012-2013 Afterschool Program
Monday - Friday, 3 - 6 pm

Your child can work on homework, have a snack, take classes and lessons that supplement their academics, and be ready for family time by the end of your work day! Sunshine's flexible Afterschool Program is available to students in Kindergarten through fifth grade at Bridger and Atkinson Elementary Schools. (Students from other schools are welcome, but parents would need to arrange transportation.) Fall line-up of Enrichment Classes:
Cooking * Art * Music * Much More!

August Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


Tia is turning one on August 14th. Happy Birthday, Tia!

Our kids are growing quickly! Gemma is walking, Ella is crawling, and Indy is sitting up!

Just a few reminders for parents. Please be sure to take your child's blanket and dishes home to clean on a regular basis. Generally, blankets and water sippy cups only need to go home about once a week, and the more consistent we can be about this, the better we can fight germs and viruses that spread so quickly with these little ones.

Also, if you are putting food in the Infant Room fridge, please be sure that it is clearly marked with your child's name. When staff members find unlabeled food, they have no way to know which child it belongs to. 


Parker is turning three on August 5th! Happy Birthday, Parker!

We welcomed a new student to the Wobbler Room this month. Welcome, McClain!

Summer has been fun in the Wobbler Room! The kids have been enjoying a lot of time outside in the sun, and they have particularly been enjoying playing with the water table and watching our school garden grow on the playground. The wobblers have also been participating in the Summer Reading Program through the library, and they are trying to earn their class prize by reading books together every day.

Please remember to bring a crib sheet and a blanket for your child to use during nap time. We do have extras to use when needed, but we do not have enough extras to rely on exclusively. Also, please be sure to take your child's nap things home on a weekly basis to wash and return clean. 

August Newsletter: Preschool

Upcoming Events & Themes

July 30 - August 3
Theme: Ocean Life & Beach
Bible Theme: Serve Community
Special Events: Preschool Water Play Extravaganza, 8/3

August 6 - 10
Theme: Camping & Hiking
Bible Theme: Serve Community
Special Events: Walk to Mt. Tabor, 8/6

August 13 - 17
Theme: Sports
Bible Theme: Serve Jesus
Special Events: Preschool Olympics, 8/17

August 20 - 24
Theme: How has our garden grown?
Bible Theme: Serve Jesus
Special Events: Walk to Mt. Tabor, 8/21

August 27 - 31
Sunshine School is Closed for Teacher Planning