Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Newsletter: Lamb's Fold


Tia is turning one on August 14th. Happy Birthday, Tia!

Our kids are growing quickly! Gemma is walking, Ella is crawling, and Indy is sitting up!

Just a few reminders for parents. Please be sure to take your child's blanket and dishes home to clean on a regular basis. Generally, blankets and water sippy cups only need to go home about once a week, and the more consistent we can be about this, the better we can fight germs and viruses that spread so quickly with these little ones.

Also, if you are putting food in the Infant Room fridge, please be sure that it is clearly marked with your child's name. When staff members find unlabeled food, they have no way to know which child it belongs to. 


Parker is turning three on August 5th! Happy Birthday, Parker!

We welcomed a new student to the Wobbler Room this month. Welcome, McClain!

Summer has been fun in the Wobbler Room! The kids have been enjoying a lot of time outside in the sun, and they have particularly been enjoying playing with the water table and watching our school garden grow on the playground. The wobblers have also been participating in the Summer Reading Program through the library, and they are trying to earn their class prize by reading books together every day.

Please remember to bring a crib sheet and a blanket for your child to use during nap time. We do have extras to use when needed, but we do not have enough extras to rely on exclusively. Also, please be sure to take your child's nap things home on a weekly basis to wash and return clean. 

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