Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Date Changes for Upcoming Events

Water Play Extravaganza: Friday 8/3

The Preschool Water Play Extravaganza has been moved to Friday, August 3rd to follow a sunnier forecast. Please have your child bring a swimsuit, towel, and water shoes (crocs or sandals work well, but please no flip-flops). If your child does not normally attend on Fridays but would like to come play in the water with us, he or she is welcome to do so if accompanied by a parent. Please talk to your child's teacher to confirm the times that your child's class will be participating in this event.

Hike to Mt. Tabor Park: Tuesday 8/7

The next Preschool Hike to Mt. Tabor Park has been moved to Tuesday, August 7th (rather than Monday, August 6th). Please make sure that your child wears good walking shoes and arrives at school by 9:45 am!

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