Monday, August 20, 2012

Menu Change and School Closure

Menu Change Reminder:

Beginning September 1, all Sunshine School families will need to provide their children’s lunches daily.

The Sunshine School kitchen will be undergoing a major remodel from September 1 through December 31, and Sunshine School will NOT be able to provide lunches for students. Sunshine will continue to provide morning and afternoon snacks for Wobblers, Preschool, and Afterschool students, and we will continue to provide milk and water at meals.

A few things to remember:
· Sunshine School is a NUT FREE SCHOOL. Do not send any form of nuts (including peanut butter). Please read labels carefully if you are sending any granola, bars, or trail mix and be sure that there are no nuts. (Sunflower butter is a great alternative to Peanut Butter!)
· You will need to provide any forks, spoons, or dishes that your child requires, and we will not be able to wash any dishes
· We will not be able to heat any children’s lunches. Their food must be ready to serve right out of their lunchbox.
· We will provide refrigeration for student lunches.
· Parents will be responsible to bring enough lunch food for their child each day (we cannot store food for multiple days).

Also, please remember that Sunshine School is CLOSED August 27- September 3. The first day of the 2012-2013 School Year is on Tuesday, September 4. 

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