Monday, November 28, 2011

December Newsletter- Lamb's Fold

Eli and JJ are sitting up on their own, and JJ has started crawling! Also, Evie has been talking more and more, and both she and Porter are visiting the Wobbler Room as often as possible.

Just a reminder, please do not bring any nuts or nut products to school. Because of allergies, Sunshine School is nut free. This means no peanut butter, Honey Nut Cheerios, or nuts of any kind. Thank you for your understanding.

Penny is a big sister! Her new brother, Indy, was born on November 14th. Congratulations to the Stevens family!

The kids have been enjoying the Jesus Storybook Bible, which is a great children's translation of the Bible with lots of beautiful pictures. As we approach Christmas, we'll be reading to them often about the birth of Jesus. We also have a lot of fun Christmas and winter art projects coming up!

What about the Christmas Program?
While the Infants and Wobblers do not have a direct role in the Christmas Program, you are all invited to join us on the evening of Friday, December 9th at 6:30. Our preschool classes will present a lovely musical performance, and there will be treats afterward, as well as an art display prepared by our After School kids. 

Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Mrs. Talissyn on December 21st, and to Mrs. Yvonne on December 27th!

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