Monday, November 28, 2011

December Newsletter- Staff Corner

Mrs. Yvonne, Lamb's Fold Head Teacher
"I love doing art with children. I love how absorbed they are in the materials, how un-self-conscious they are in creating. They love to experiment and explore. When you see things through their experience of discovering things for the first time you can rediscover and appreciate them for yourself all over again."

Yvonne has worked at Sunshine for a total of four years, most recently as the Lamb's Fold Head Teacher. She has also worked as a preschool and toddler teacher and as a nanny for many years before coming to Sunshine School, and she has taken several college courses in childhood development and early childhood care. Yvonne also has two teenage sons at home and two young grandons that she enjoys in her spare time.

Mrs. Sarah, Preschool Head Teacher
"The children grow and develop so much at this age, so it's really fun and rewarding to see the changes that occur during the course of the school year."

Sarah used to be a hairstylist, but she has been teaching at Sunshine School for 15 years and has been with the 2 1/2 - 3 year olds for all but the first three months of her time here. She has been married to her husband, Ed, for 28 years, and is the mother of three, ages 27, 25, and 17. Currently, she is working toward her Child Development Associate (CDA). Outside of work, she loves "reading, browsing at antique stores, cooking special family dinners, hiking, drives through the Columbia Gorge, and long naps on the weekend!"

Miss Mallory, After School Teacher
Mallory joined the Sunshine School staff in September 2010 as the After School Teacher for elementary students. She also worked as a counselor for Camp sprout this last summer. This month, she is completing her courses for her Master of Arts in Teaching at Multnomah University and will move back home to Castro Valley, California to finish her student teaching and graduate in May 2012.

"I am sad to leave Sunshine School and Portland, but I am so thankful for the time I have lived here and the privelege to have met and gotten to know you and your children over the past year and a half!"

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