Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monkey Bread

The theme this week in preschool is Restaurant and Cooking.  As a special cooking project we are making Monkey Bread.  Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. Jaime's classes made their own individual Monkey Bread to take home and I hope you got to sneak a bite.  Today, the remaining preschool and after school students will make their Monkey Bread.  We are sending the recipe home in cubbies, but I thought I would post here as well, for Lamb's Fold families and other who may have missed this.  It's so easy and a fun treat for the holidays. 

"Why is it called Monkey Bread?"  That was the question I got over and over again yesterday and I have no idea how it got the name Monkey Bread.  I just know that it tastes great!  Enjoy!

Monkey Bread

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