Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Newsletter- Staff Corner

For the next several newsletters, we will feature members of our staff to give you an opportunity to learn more about your child's teachers.

Miss Erika, Infant Teacher
"The funny thing is I am a cosmetologist, but decided working with kids makes me the happiest."

Erika has been in our Infant Room for 2 years and spent many years before that with kids at camps, church, and youth programs. She is planning to go to Bible college for a Theology and Youth Ministry degree, then on to PCC for a medical assisting program. In the long-term, she plans to work in pediatrics. She loves watching the babies grow and learn, and "laughing and dancing with them is pretty great."

"Sunshine School has been an invaluable part of my life. It's such an awesome, positive work place, and I am blessed by my kids and their parents each day. And Grace Later rocks! I love my infant room team!"

Miss Marisa, Preschool Assistant
Marisa has been at Sunshine School for one year, first in the Lamb's Fold, and now in Preschool as an Afternoon Assistant. She has a lot of experience in her church nursery, as well as babysitting and playing with her niece and nephews. Right now, she is in her first year of college at Multnomah University studying Bible and Elementary Education. In addition to school, she enjoys hiking, shopping, and being involved with the Jr. High group at her church.

The best part of her job at Sunshine School is "the funny conversations you get to have with the kids and that no two days of work are the same."

Miss Alyssa, Preschool Teacher
Miss Alyssa is in her fifth year of teaching at Sunshine School. She has also worked at a preschool at Franklin and volunteered as a Sunday School teacher for Kindergarten through second grade. She has her undergraduate degree in Education from Western Oregon University, and she is currently working on her Masters in Education at Portland State University. When she is not at work, she likes to have fun outside, hiking, camping, and rafting; she also enjoys knitting and reading.

The best part of her job at Sunshine School? "Kids say the cutest and sometimes funniest things. They always keep it fun."

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