Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunshine School December Newsletter

Sunshine School Christmas Program
Friday, December 9th, 6:30 pm

All preschool children have been practicing to sing in the Christmas Program! Please have your children in their classrooms by 6:15. We encourage you to pick up your children and bring them home for dinner before the program. But if you can't, please be sure to bring something for your child to eat before the program. There will be treats afterward, and our After School students will prepare an art display to enjoy after the program as well.

Holiday Closures

Over the holidays, Sunshine School will be CLOSED on

Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th
Monday, January 2nd.

To let us know about your holiday attendance plans, please see the schedules posted on the wall in the front hallway for Preschool and After School, and in your child's classroom for Lamb's Fold. Indicate "Yes" or "No" on each day of the Christmas season. If you would like to apply vacation credit, please let the office know.

Inclement Weather Policy

As winter approaches, please take note of our Inclement Weather Policy,
as stated in the Parent Handbook:

"Should weather conditions prove questionable, Sunshine School will generally follow Portland Public School District's late openings and closures. The Director has the final authority to determine Sunshine School's status, and information will be made available on Sunshine School's voicemail system, as well as Parents are advised to call in if conditions are questionable. In the event that weather conditions worsen after Sunshine School has already opened for the day, parents will be individually contacted regarding early closure. Please be certain that Sunshine School has adequate emergency contact information in the office for your child."

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