Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Newsletter

Backpack Program Update
Thank you for all of your contributions to the Backpack Program over the holidays! We raised enough food to fill most of our back counter, and it is being delivered to local elementary schools this month!

2011 Taxes
In January, you will receive an email with your tuition paid for 2011 to use for tax purposes. If you need an itemized list or cannot open the email document, contact the office. If we do not have your email address, you will receive this paperwork in your child's cubby or by mail.

A Few Reminders...
As we begin 2012, we have just a few reminders for parents.
  • If your child is staying home on a scheduled day, please be sure to call the office and let us know. 
  • If there have been any changes in your contact information, please let the office know. For your child's safety, it is important to have accurate contact information.
  • If you would like to add or delete anyone from your child's approved pick-up list, please let the office know. If a person is not on the pick-up list, or if a parent has not told the school that someone different is picking up your child, he or she will not be able to take your child home. Please be sure that they bring photo ID.
  • Be sure to stay up to date with school events by signing up for the school blog! If you are not receiving email updates from the blog, visit and add your email address.

January Newsletter: Lamb's Fold

Staff Changes in the Lamb's Fold
This month, Miss Erika will begin her Associates of Theology, so her last day of full-time work in the Lamb's Fold will be on January 13th. After that, she will be working afternoons only in the Lamb's Fold.

Miss Amanda Huitt will be starting in the Infant Room to fill Erika's position. Amanda has worked at Sunshine for about a year and a half, as the After School teacher, a substitute, and most recently as a Preschool Teacher. Be sure to welcome Amanda to the Lamb's Fold!

On January 7th, Henry is celebrating his 1st birthday.
Happy Birthday, Henry!

We are also welcoming two new students in the Infant Room this month. Archer began at the end of December, and Everett will begin this month.

On January 9th, Raen is celebrating her 2nd birthday.
Happy Birthday, Raen!

Etta is moving up to preschool this month to join Mrs. Sarah's class. Congratulations! We are also welcoming Evie from the Infant Room to join the Wobblers full-time.

This month in the Wobbler Room, Yvonne and Talissyn will be incorporating a weather theme. So, look forward to some fun weather art coming home!

Nap Time Reminder
Please remember to bring your child's nap things at the beginning of the week and to take them home to wash at the end of the week. This is an easy, practical way to prevent the spread of germs! In the Wobler Room, please remember to bring both a blanket and a crib sheet for nap time. 

January Newsletter: Preschool

Preschool Staff Changes
This month, Miss Amanda Huitt will be changing positions from Preschool to the Lamb's Fold. Her last day with Preschool will be on January 6th. Starting on January 9th, Miss Amanda's class and a few other students will begin in their new classes.

Jen has already informed all families of students who will be reassigned. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office.

Upcoming Events
January 2: School Closed for New Year
January 6: White Day
January 16: MLK Jr. Day, Sunshine School is Open
January 20: Pajama Day
January 23-27: Police and Firefighters Visit


January 2-6
Theme: Snow & Penguins
Bible: The Boyhood of Jesus, Psalm 23:1-4

January 9-13
Theme: Bob the Builder & Construction
Bible: Honesty, Psalm 23:1-4

January 16-20
Theme: Forms of Transportation
Bible: Samuel, Psalm 23:1-4

January 23-27
Theme: 911, Police, & Fire
Bible: David & the Psalms, Psalm 23:1-4

January 30 - February 3
Theme: Travel the World
Bible: Review

January Newsletter: Staff Corner

Miss Grace
Infant Room Teacher
"I like working the closing shift because that's when the Infant and Wobbler Rooms combine for the night, and that allows me to still have a relationship with all my former babies that have moved up to Wobblers. It's fun seeing them at that age after knowing and caring for them when they were just tiny babies."

Grace has worked in the Sunshine School Infant Room for 2 1/2 years. Before that, she worked as a nanny, babysitter, and tutor for many years and also participated in children's ministries at her church. She has her degree in Biblical Counseling and her elementary teaching credential from The Master's College in her home state of California.

"I love working at a place where the staff all gets along so well and I can honestly count on everyone as a friend... Oh, and I love my cowkrer, Erika Banke!" Outside of work, she enjoys reading, traveling, sports (especially hockey), and going to the beach.

Miss Amanda Ford
Preschool Floater
Miss Amanda has been at Sunshine School since September 2010. Last year, she worked in the Wobler Room, and now she works in Preschool as the Floater and Afternoon Art Teacher. Before coming to Sunshine School, Amanda worked as an in-home tutor for children with special needs, as well as working as a babysitter and volunteering as a Sunday School teacher. She is planning to start on a Masters degree in Art Therapy next fall and will begin her pre-requisites very soon. During her time at Sunshine School, she has come to enjoy the memorable quotes from the kids, as well as the good work environment and friendly staff.

Mrs. Carolyn
Office Administrator
Carolyn started working at Sunshine School about 5 years ago. Originally, she was hired as a Preschool Assistant, but she also worked as a Preschool Teacher for 3's and 4's and as the Preschool Floater. Now, she works in the office and substitutes in the classrooms when teachers are out. This month, she also begins working in the After School program. She has her Bachelor's degree in English Literature from Trinity Western University in British Columbia, but Portland has always been her home. Outside of work, Carolyn enjoys scrapbooking, reading, and spending time with her family. What's the best part about working with kids? "The kids are delightful! Even on the challenging days, they never fail to do or say something to make me smile!"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

January Menu

Winter Menu 2011-2012 -January

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

We hope that you have a wonderful long weekend celebrating Christmas with family and friends.  If you are looking for Christmas Services, I wanted to invite you to join us at Trinity Fellowship. A Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be Saturday from 7-8pm.  There will be one service on Christmas Morning from 10-11am.  

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Program

Sunshine School Christmas Program
Friday December 9th, 6:30 pm

Our preschool students have been practicing their Christmas songs and are ready to sing them for you! Please have preschool students in their classrooms by 6:15. If possible, please pick up your children early enough to take them home for dinner. Or else, you can provide a sack dinner for them to eat in the evening.

While only the preschool students have a direct role in the program,
all families are invited to join us!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Watch out for Pink Eye!

Over the last week there have been four reported cases of pink eye or other eye infections in our student body. To prevent any further spread of infection, teachers have sanitized the toys and surfaces in their classrooms, and we request that you keep your child home if he or she has any of these symptoms (as listed in the Parent Handbook):

  • Pink to reddish coloring of the eye
  • Watery eyes accompanied with discharge that might cause eyelashes and eyelids to stick together
  • Discomfort in the eye with itchiness (children may describe it as feeling sand in their eye)
  • The infection usually affects one eye, but can move to both
There are two kinds of pink eye: bacterial and viral. If you suspect that your child is infected, please consult your doctor. If your child develops bacterial pink eye, it is easily managed with antibiotics, and your child can return to school after being on antibiotics for 24 hours. If your child develops viral pink eye, he or she can return to school 24 hours after being symptom-free.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Librarian Visit in Preschool

Today, our preschool students enjoyed a visit from local librarian Karen Sherman. She taught us several new songs and games, and read two fun stories: Press Here, by Herve Tullet, and Are You Ready to Play Outside?, by Mo Willems. We hope to invite her back again for another visit in a few months!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunshine School December Newsletter

Sunshine School Christmas Program
Friday, December 9th, 6:30 pm

All preschool children have been practicing to sing in the Christmas Program! Please have your children in their classrooms by 6:15. We encourage you to pick up your children and bring them home for dinner before the program. But if you can't, please be sure to bring something for your child to eat before the program. There will be treats afterward, and our After School students will prepare an art display to enjoy after the program as well.

Holiday Closures

Over the holidays, Sunshine School will be CLOSED on

Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th
Monday, January 2nd.

To let us know about your holiday attendance plans, please see the schedules posted on the wall in the front hallway for Preschool and After School, and in your child's classroom for Lamb's Fold. Indicate "Yes" or "No" on each day of the Christmas season. If you would like to apply vacation credit, please let the office know.

Inclement Weather Policy

As winter approaches, please take note of our Inclement Weather Policy,
as stated in the Parent Handbook:

"Should weather conditions prove questionable, Sunshine School will generally follow Portland Public School District's late openings and closures. The Director has the final authority to determine Sunshine School's status, and information will be made available on Sunshine School's voicemail system, as well as Parents are advised to call in if conditions are questionable. In the event that weather conditions worsen after Sunshine School has already opened for the day, parents will be individually contacted regarding early closure. Please be certain that Sunshine School has adequate emergency contact information in the office for your child."

December Newsletter- Lamb's Fold

Eli and JJ are sitting up on their own, and JJ has started crawling! Also, Evie has been talking more and more, and both she and Porter are visiting the Wobbler Room as often as possible.

Just a reminder, please do not bring any nuts or nut products to school. Because of allergies, Sunshine School is nut free. This means no peanut butter, Honey Nut Cheerios, or nuts of any kind. Thank you for your understanding.

Penny is a big sister! Her new brother, Indy, was born on November 14th. Congratulations to the Stevens family!

The kids have been enjoying the Jesus Storybook Bible, which is a great children's translation of the Bible with lots of beautiful pictures. As we approach Christmas, we'll be reading to them often about the birth of Jesus. We also have a lot of fun Christmas and winter art projects coming up!

What about the Christmas Program?
While the Infants and Wobblers do not have a direct role in the Christmas Program, you are all invited to join us on the evening of Friday, December 9th at 6:30. Our preschool classes will present a lovely musical performance, and there will be treats afterward, as well as an art display prepared by our After School kids. 

Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Mrs. Talissyn on December 21st, and to Mrs. Yvonne on December 27th!

December Newsletter- Preschool

Upcoming Events
December 9, 6:30 pm
Sunshine School Christmas Program

December 21
Silver & Gold Day

December 23-26
Sunshine School is CLOSED
Merry Christmas!

January 2
Sunshine School is CLOSED
Happy New Year!

November 28 - December 2
Theme: Library
Bible: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho, Psalm 118:1

December 5-9
Theme: Post Office
Bible: Ruth and Naomi, Isaiah 9:6

December 12-16
Theme: Christmas
Bible: Mary, Elizabeth, and Zechariah, Isaiah 9:6

December 19-23
Theme: Christmas
Bible: The Birth of Jesus, Isaiah 9:6

December 26-30
Theme: Teacher's Choice!
Bible: Birth of Jesus, Isaiah 9:6

December Newsletter- Staff Corner

Mrs. Yvonne, Lamb's Fold Head Teacher
"I love doing art with children. I love how absorbed they are in the materials, how un-self-conscious they are in creating. They love to experiment and explore. When you see things through their experience of discovering things for the first time you can rediscover and appreciate them for yourself all over again."

Yvonne has worked at Sunshine for a total of four years, most recently as the Lamb's Fold Head Teacher. She has also worked as a preschool and toddler teacher and as a nanny for many years before coming to Sunshine School, and she has taken several college courses in childhood development and early childhood care. Yvonne also has two teenage sons at home and two young grandons that she enjoys in her spare time.

Mrs. Sarah, Preschool Head Teacher
"The children grow and develop so much at this age, so it's really fun and rewarding to see the changes that occur during the course of the school year."

Sarah used to be a hairstylist, but she has been teaching at Sunshine School for 15 years and has been with the 2 1/2 - 3 year olds for all but the first three months of her time here. She has been married to her husband, Ed, for 28 years, and is the mother of three, ages 27, 25, and 17. Currently, she is working toward her Child Development Associate (CDA). Outside of work, she loves "reading, browsing at antique stores, cooking special family dinners, hiking, drives through the Columbia Gorge, and long naps on the weekend!"

Miss Mallory, After School Teacher
Mallory joined the Sunshine School staff in September 2010 as the After School Teacher for elementary students. She also worked as a counselor for Camp sprout this last summer. This month, she is completing her courses for her Master of Arts in Teaching at Multnomah University and will move back home to Castro Valley, California to finish her student teaching and graduate in May 2012.

"I am sad to leave Sunshine School and Portland, but I am so thankful for the time I have lived here and the privelege to have met and gotten to know you and your children over the past year and a half!"

December Menu 2011

Winter Menu 2011-2012 -December

The Backpack Program

Sunshine School is participating in a food drive for The Backpack Program. This organization distributes food to school age children who have little or no food at home so that they have food to eat over the weekends when they are not receiving school meals.

We are collecting nonperishable food that requires little or no preparation, such as instant oatmeal, granola bars, and canned soup. For a complete list of food suggestions and more information about this program, please see the flyer in your child's cubby.

We will have a bin in the school entryway until December 16th if you would like to make a donation. Be sure to include your kids in this process! They would love to help pick out food and put it in the bin to help other children!

Monday, November 14, 2011


At the beginning of January, we are required to report the immunization status of our student population to the State of Oregon Health Department. If any children are not up to date on their immunization paperwork, we will be legally required to exclude them from school beginning February 15, 2012.

To avoid this inconvenience, we are sending home paperwork this week regarding your child's immunization status. Please check your child's cubby for an envelope labeled "Important Immunization Paperwork" and follow the enclosed directions. If your child's immunizations are up to date, you will not receive any paperwork.

If you are a parent of an after-school child, we will not be reporting your child's immunization status because that responsibility will fall on the school he or she regularly attends.

As always, please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns, or if you need new copies of your child's immunization paperwork.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monkey Bread

The theme this week in preschool is Restaurant and Cooking.  As a special cooking project we are making Monkey Bread.  Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. Jaime's classes made their own individual Monkey Bread to take home and I hope you got to sneak a bite.  Today, the remaining preschool and after school students will make their Monkey Bread.  We are sending the recipe home in cubbies, but I thought I would post here as well, for Lamb's Fold families and other who may have missed this.  It's so easy and a fun treat for the holidays. 

"Why is it called Monkey Bread?"  That was the question I got over and over again yesterday and I have no idea how it got the name Monkey Bread.  I just know that it tastes great!  Enjoy!

Monkey Bread

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunshine School Business Directory

The 2011-2012 Sunshine School Business Directory is going home in cubbies today! This directory is composed of services offered by Sunshine School families and staff, from babysitting, to cosmetology, to veterinary services.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Sunshine School will be CLOSED November 24-25th for Thanksgiving.

Please let us know what days your child will attend on the week of Thanksgiving. There is a sign-up sheet for each class on which you can find your child's name and simply write "Yes" or "No" for each day of that week.

For Infants and Wobblers, you will find the sign-up sheet in your child's classroom. For Preschool and Afterschool, the sign up sheets are on the wall in the front hallway.

If you would like to apply vacation credit for days that your child will be gone, please let the office know. 

Thank you!

November Newsletter- Staff Corner

For the next several newsletters, we will feature members of our staff to give you an opportunity to learn more about your child's teachers.

Miss Erika, Infant Teacher
"The funny thing is I am a cosmetologist, but decided working with kids makes me the happiest."

Erika has been in our Infant Room for 2 years and spent many years before that with kids at camps, church, and youth programs. She is planning to go to Bible college for a Theology and Youth Ministry degree, then on to PCC for a medical assisting program. In the long-term, she plans to work in pediatrics. She loves watching the babies grow and learn, and "laughing and dancing with them is pretty great."

"Sunshine School has been an invaluable part of my life. It's such an awesome, positive work place, and I am blessed by my kids and their parents each day. And Grace Later rocks! I love my infant room team!"

Miss Marisa, Preschool Assistant
Marisa has been at Sunshine School for one year, first in the Lamb's Fold, and now in Preschool as an Afternoon Assistant. She has a lot of experience in her church nursery, as well as babysitting and playing with her niece and nephews. Right now, she is in her first year of college at Multnomah University studying Bible and Elementary Education. In addition to school, she enjoys hiking, shopping, and being involved with the Jr. High group at her church.

The best part of her job at Sunshine School is "the funny conversations you get to have with the kids and that no two days of work are the same."

Miss Alyssa, Preschool Teacher
Miss Alyssa is in her fifth year of teaching at Sunshine School. She has also worked at a preschool at Franklin and volunteered as a Sunday School teacher for Kindergarten through second grade. She has her undergraduate degree in Education from Western Oregon University, and she is currently working on her Masters in Education at Portland State University. When she is not at work, she likes to have fun outside, hiking, camping, and rafting; she also enjoys knitting and reading.

The best part of her job at Sunshine School? "Kids say the cutest and sometimes funniest things. They always keep it fun."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunshine School November Newsletter

Family Movie Night
Friday, November 4th, 7:00 pm
Join us for the movie Tangled on the big screens in the church sanctuary. Kids are invited to come in their pajamas and bring blankets and pillows.

This is a family event. A parent must stay to supervise children.

All School Thanksgiving Lunch
Thursday, November 17th, 11:00 am
Family members are invited to join us for this festive event! Please RSVP on the sign up sheet in the front hallway. Please limit 2 guests per student.

Daylight Savings!
Remember to set your clocks back one hour on the evening of Saturday, November 5th!

Sunshine School is Closed November 24-25 for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday!

November Newsletter- Lamb's Fold

Our kids are quite active! Tate is crawling and sitting up, Sam is walking, and Eli and JJ are both rolling over!

Parents, please remember to bring a blanket for your child and to take it home to wash at the end of the week. If you forget a blanket, we do have extras.

We have been enjoying the season! We have been doing a lot of art with apples, and there are some fun turkey projects and autumn projects coming up. We have also been taking advantage of nice days to go on group walks and watch the leaves change colors.

As the season gets cold and wet, please remember that we try to get outside as much as the weather allows. Be sure that your child brings a warm coat and weater-appropriate shoes. You are free to provide boots for outside time if you would like.

We also have a new Rainbow Fish in our aquarium and would like to name all of our fish. Talk to your children and see if you can come up with any good names for our many fish and our frog.

We are welcoming two new children in the Infant Room. Nahla begain in October, and Porter begins this month. Welcome to the Lamb's Fold!

Happy Birthday!
Sam is turning one on November 19th, and Josh is turning two on November 2nd.
Happy Birthday!

November Newsletter- Preschool

Cold Weather is Approaching!
Please remember that we play outside as much as the weather allows. Even on cold days, we will play on the playground. Make sure your child brings a coat and weather-appropriate shoes to school.

Also, as the weather cools, you can check your child's extra clothing supply to be sure that it still fits your child and is seasonally appropriate.

Upcoming Events
November 4: Family Movie Night, 7:00
November 8: Blue Day
November 17: All School Thanksgiving Lunch, 11:00
November 24-25: School Closed for Thanksgiving
November 29: Librarian Visit
November 30: Green Day

October 31 - November 4
Theme: Nutrition and Grocery Store
Bible: Moses, Ephesians 4:32

November 7 - 11
Theme: Restaurant and Cooking
Bible: Moses, Ephesians 4:32

November 14 - 18
Theme: Thanksgiving
Bible: Thankfulness, Joshua 1:9

November 21 - 25
Theme: Thanksgiving
Bible: Review

November 28 - December 2
Theme: Library
Bible: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho

Friday, October 21, 2011

November Menu 2011

Fall Menu 2011- November Menu

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Safety Reminder

Please remember our school policy that only staff may
open the door to let people into our building.

This means that even if you recognize other parents,
please do not open the door to let them into the building.

For the security of our children and staff, staff need to be able to confirm the identity of every person who enters the building. 
Thank you for your understanding.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 25th is
Orange Day!
Wear orange clothes, create orange art, and eat orange food!

Join us Wednesday, October 26th for a
Harvest Party!
This Kids Klub event is open to Sunshine School families! Dress up in your costumes, and come for an evening of games, prizes, and fun! No scary costumes, please.

You can come for dinner at 6:00. It is $1 for kids, $2 for adults. The games begin at 6:30.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Fun Day

Preschool Fall Fun Day
Tuesday, October 18

The preschool classes will spend their morning celebrating the season with autumn games, snacks, and stories. We would love to have some parents join us to help run the stations between 9:45 and 11:30, and we also need fall stickers and cookie sprinkles. If you would like to help with this fun event, sign up in the front entryway by the preschool sign-in clipboard.

If your child does not attend on Tuesdays, he or she is still welcome to join if accompanied by a parent.

Portland Nursery Apple Tasting and CookingThyme

CookingThyme is a side business I have started with my mom, Joan Browning.  We offer cooking classes, birthday parties and catering for kids and adults.  CookingThyme was invited to take part in the Apple Tasting Festival at the Portland Nursery (Stark location).  We have a booth in the kids tent on Friday, October 14th, from 10am-3pm.  We'd love to have you stop by and make some apple treats with us!  Check out upcoming CookingThyme classes at

Hope to see you there,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Business Directory

We are still accepting forms from those who would like to participate in our Sunshine School Business Directory. If you would like to include yourself or your business, pick up a form in the front entryway at Sunshine School and return it to the office by Friday, October 14th.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Picture Day

Picture Day
Tuesday, October 11 & Wednesday, October 12

Class photos are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, October 11th:
Mrs. Sarah's Class, 9:00 Group Photo
Ms. Amanda's Class, 10:00 Group Photo
Ms. Alyssa's Class, 11:00 Group Photo
Infant Room, Individual Pictures Only

Wednesday, October 12th:
Wobbler Class, 9:00 Group Photo
Mrs. Jaime's Class, 10:00 Group Photo
Mrs. Gibbs's Class, 11:00 Group Photo
Infant Room, Individual Pictures Only

If your child is not scheduled to attend on the day of his or her class photo, you are invited to bring your child for the photo at the scheduled time. If you choose not to bring your child for the group photo, he or she can still have individual pictures taken on the other School Picture Day.

Picture order forms went out in cubbies last month, and extras are available in the front entry way.

Reminder: If you would like to purchase your child's photos, you must pay on or before the day that photos are taken!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Menu 2011- October

Fall Menu 2011- October Menu

Monday, September 26, 2011

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders for October are going home soon. Just a reminder, all orders are now placed online.  You can order books any time on Create a Parent login using our school "Class Code" (GKRPR), and Sunshine School will earn points toward free books with every order you place! This class code is also printed on the front of every Scholastic catalogue we send home.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sunshine School October Newsletter

School Pictures
Tuesday, October 11 & Wednesday, October 12

This year we have a new photographer for picture day. Meghann Street at Your Street Photography will be doing all school photos, and we hope you will be pleased with the decrease in cost from previous years! There are only two package options for portraits, one for $25 and one for $20, and payment is due on or before the day your child's photo is taken. See your child's cubby for more details.

Rather than creating a composite class photo out of individual portraits, the photographer will be taking a single class photo of the Wobbler Class and each Preschool Class. Your child's scheduled photograph day is as follows:

Tuesday, October 11th
Mrs. Sarah's Class, 9:00 Group Photo
Ms. Amanda's Class, 10:00 Group Photo
Ms. Alyssa's Class, 11:00 Group Photo
Infants, individual pictures only

Wednesday, October 12th
Wobbler Class, 9:00 Group Photo
Mrs. Jaime's Class, 10:00 Group Photo
Mrs. Gibbs's Class, 11:00 Group Photo
Infant Room, individual pictures only

If your child is scheduled for photos on a day he or she does not normally attend, and you would like your child to be in the class photo, please bring your child on the day and time of their scheduled class photo (above).

If you would not like to bring your child for the class photo, but your child will still attend school on the other day of school pictures (i.e. the class photo is Tuesday, but your child will only be here Wednesday), then your child can still have an individual portrait taken on the day he or she normally attends.

Harvest Party
Wednesday, October 26, 6:30 pm
Your family is invited to dress up in costumes and come to an evening Harvest Party here at Sunshine School. This event is a cooperative effort of Trinity Fellowship Church and Sunshine School. It's a fun and safe evening for the whole family! No scary costumes, please!

Halloween Costumes
Children are invited to bring their costumes to school on Halloween, and teachers will help them get dressed up after nap for a fun and festive afternoon. Please do not send your child wearing a costume in the morning, though, as it will be difficult to keep it clean throughout the day and may cause a distraction at nap time.

Love and Logic Parenting Class
If you interested in signing up for the Love and Logic Parenting class that begins on September 28, you can preview the class handbook in the Sunshine School Office. Come and have a look if you have an questions.

October Newsletter- Lamb's Fold

Picture Day: Lamb's Fold Info
If you would like to guarantee that your child will be clean for his or her photo, you are welcome to bring a change of clothes for your child. Just set it aside in an extra bag and tell your child's teacher.

Because the Infant Room is not scheduled for a group photo, the infants will be taking their individual turns with the photographer throughout the morning on both Tuesday and Wednesday as they are available and ready.

For the Wobblers, please have your child here by 9:00 on Wednesday, October 12th if you would like him or her to be in the class photo.

Welcome, Ms. Julie!
Julie is our new Lamb's Fold Afternoon Assistant. She helps with both the wobblers and infants in the afternoons. Julie is new to Portland and is currently working on her Bachelor's degree in Intercultural Studies at Multnomah University.

Infant News
We now have labeled ziploc bags to keep your child's extra clothes organized here at school. Please make sure that you have an extra pair of clothes to leave here!

Be sure to take a peek at the Infant Room white board. We are updating it to keep parents posted on upcoming events.

Wobbler News
We've been having a lot of Fall Fun! At art, we made apple trees for Red day and apple prints for Fall. Outside on our playground, we have a new toy tractor with a trailer that was donated to us. The kids are having fun driving this around!

Moving up!
Ella is making the switch over from Lamb's Fold to Preschool,
and Liam is moving up to the Wobbler Room.

Welcome Aisha to the Wobbler Room, and welcome, Gemma, to the Infant Room!

October Newsletter- Preschool

International Walk and Bike to School Day
Wednesday, October 5th

Sunshine School is participating in Walk and Bike to School Day! This event is intended to enhance the health of children, to improve the health of the community, to create permanent walking and biking routes, and to improve neighborhood livability.
To make this day special, preschool kids are invited to bring their bike or scooter to school for a morning of bike and scooter fun. Even if it rains, we'll make the best of it in our gym.
Please bring a helmet!
Upcoming Events
October 5:
Yellow Day
Walk and Bike to School Day
October 11-12:
School Pictures
October 18:
Fall Fun Day
October 25:
Orange Day
October 26:
Harvest Party (6:30 pm)
October 28:
Veggie and Seed Tasting
October 3-7:
Theme: Dance and Physical Fitness
Bible: Abraham, Romans 4:21-22
October 10-14:
Theme: Health and Hygeine
Bible: Isaac, Romans 4:21-22
October 17-21:
Theme: Fall Fun
Bible: Joseph, Ephesians 4:32
October 24-28:
Theme: Farms, Food, and Harvest
Bible: Sharing, Ephesians 4:32

October Newsletter- Staff Corner

Welcome to the Staff Corner!

For the next several newsletters, we will feature members of our staff to give you an opportunity to learn more about your child's teachers.

Ms. Hilary, Cook
Hilary has worked in professional kitchens for 3 years, first at Hume Lake Christian Camp in her home state of California, and now at Sunshine School for about 6 months.

What is the best part of her job? "I love to be creative with the food I make, continually learning how to mix flavors together; and making as much as I can from scratch is a lot of fun for me... Even though I cook all day, I do still love to cook and bake during my free time as well."

Mrs. Talissyn, Wobbler Teacher

"I think I'll be a pro at potty-training by the time I have kids!"

Originally from the cornfields of Flora, Indiana, Talissyn graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago with a degree in Urban Ministry. Prior to working at Sunshine, she spent 2 years nannying for kids ranging from 9 months to 10 years old. Over the last year and 4 months, she has spent her days with the wobblers.

What's the best part of her job? "How excited the kids get about the little things, like blowing bubbles and getting to color with markers."

Ms. Amanda, Preschool Teacher
Ms. Amanda has been substitute teaching at Sunshine for 1 1/2 years, and recently she became our full-time 3 1/2- 4 1/2 teacher. Before working at Sunshine, Amanda was a babysitter and nanny for 10 years, a summer break preschool teacher near her home in Reno for 2 years, and a Sunday school teacher and volunteer for her church youth group. This spring, she completed her Bachelor's in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministry at Multnomah University.

The best part of her new job? "The joy that the kids have is likely my favorite thing."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Parenting with Love and Logic

Trinity Fellowship is offering a parenting class called "Parenting with Love and Logic", beginning on Wednesday, September 28th from 6:30-8:30.  The cost of the class is $10.00 for the book and materials.  The class will run Wednesday nights from September 28th-November 16th.  Childcare is provided for all ages, with elementary age students joining Kids Klub, a kids program run by Trinity Fellowship.  Please contact Jen to sign up or call the church office at 503-231-0981. 

For more information about the Parenting with Love and Logic Curriculum, click on the icon above or visit

Friday, September 16, 2011

Red Day

Tuesday, September 20th is

Red Day!

Mark your calendar, and have your child wear RED to school!

Business Directory

Coming soon...

We would like to create a business directory of Sunshine School parents, guardians, and staff who
  • own their own businesses,
  • require a client base for their work place,
  • or have a second business or marketable skill to promote.
If this applies to you, see your child's cubby for more information. 
Please contact the office if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Open House

Thanks for a Great Open House!

If you would still like to sign up for a home visit with your child's teacher, you can find a sign up in sheet in your child's class room. Home visits are a great chance for teachers to get to know their students better!